Classification of Violations | NRS Section | NAC Section | Demerits |
Unlawfully shooting at a game mammal or game bird from an aircraft, helicopter or motor-driven vehicle or using such a vehicle to molest, rally, stir up or drive game mammals or game birds | 503.010 | ----- | 12 |
Spotting or locating game mammals or game birds from an aircraft or helicopter and communicating that information to a person on the ground for the purpose of hunting | 503.010 | ----- | 12 |
Unlawfully using information obtained in violation of subsection 3 of NRS 503.010 to hunt or kill game mammals or game birds | 503.010 | ----- | 12 |
Unlawfully using a helicopter to transport game, hunters or hunting equipment | 503.010 | ----- | 12 |
Unlawfully killing or attempting to kill birds or animals from an aircraft | 503.005 | ----- | 12 |
Unlawfully using an aircraft, balloon, unmanned aerial vehicle or satellite to locate or observe big game mammals, game birds or fur-bearing mammals for the purpose of hunting | 501.385 | 503.148 | 12 |
Hunting or taking an endangered species without a special permit | 503.585 | 503.093 | 12 |
Unlawfully killing, destroying, wounding, trapping or injuring bald eagles or golden eagles | 503.610 | ----- | 12 |
Unlawfully taking bald eagles or golden eagles | 503.620 | ----- | 12 |
Taking twice the legal limit or more of big game mammals | 501.385 | ----- | 12 |
Hunting or taking a threatened species | 501.385 | 503.093 | 9 |
Unlawfully killing a fur-bearing mammal during the closed season | 503.440 | ----- | 9 |
Unlawfully hunting migratory waterfowl by aid of baiting | 501.385 | 503.180 | 6 |
Hunting big game mammals during the closed season | 503.090 | ----- | 6 |
Hunting fur-bearing mammals during the closed season | 501.015 | ----- | 6 |
Hunting big game mammals in closed areas | 501.385 | 504.340 | 6 |
Hunting fur-bearing mammals in closed areas | 501.385 | 504.340 | 6 |
Unlawfully hunting in a privately owned wildlife management area | 504.140 | ----- | 6 |
Unlawfully hunting in a state-owned wildlife management area | 504.143 | ----- | 6 |
Hunting big game mammals or migratory waterfowl during prohibited hours | 503.140 | ----- | 6 |
Unlawfully hunting game birds or game mammals with the aid of artificial light | 503.150 | ----- | 6 |
Hunting or taking a sensitive species | 501.385 | 503.093 | 6 |
Hunting, trapping, possessing or selling birds of prey or raptors without a permit | 503.582 | 503.205 | 6 |
Hunting alternative livestock | 503.242 | ----- | 6 |
Taking a game mammal of a prohibited age or with prohibited physical characteristics | 501.385 | ----- | 6 |
Classification of Violations | NRS Section | NAC Section | Demerits |
Unlawfully possessing big game mammals during the closed season | 503.030 | ----- | 12 |
Possessing a big game mammal or parts thereof without the correct tag | 502.150, as amended by section 3 of Senate Bill No. 406, chapter 304, Statutes of Nevada 2021, at page 1757 | ----- | 9 |
Possessing twice the legal limit or more of game birds or game mammals, other than big game | 501.385 | ----- | 9 |
Possessing twice the legal limit or more of game fish | 501.385 | ----- | 9 |
Unlawfully possessing a fur-bearing mammal during the closed season | 503.030 | ----- | 9 |
Possessing game birds or game mammals, other than big game, during the closed season | 503.030 | ----- | 6 |
Possessing fish during the closed season | 503.030 | ----- | 6 |
Possessing game birds or game mammals, other than big game, in excess of the legal limit but less than twice the legal limit | 501.385 | ----- | 6 |
Possessing game fish in excess of the legal limit but less than twice the legal limit | 501.385 | ----- | 6 |
Possessing a species that may not legally be possessed without a license or permit | 501.385 | ----- | 6 |
Classification of Violations | NRS Section | NAC Section | Demerits |
Hunting big game or wild turkey without a tag | 502.130 | ----- | 9 |
Unlawfully transferring a tag to another person | 502.140 | 502.385 | 9 |
Possessing or using a tag legally issued to another person | 502.140 | 502.385 | 9 |
Obtaining tags in excess of the legal limit | 502.140 | 502.331 | 9 |
Possessing used tags or tags in excess of the legal limit | |||
502.150 | ----- | 9 | |
Unlawfully using a tag | 502.200 | ----- | 9 |
Using a tag in an improper area | 502.160 | 502.385 | 6 |
Failing to punch a tag properly | 502.160 | 502.390 | 6 |
Failing to attach a tag to a big game mammal in the manner prescribed by regulation | 502.160 | 502.400 | 6 |
Hunting by a Native American off an Indian reservation without a tag | 502.280 | ----- | 6 |
Possessing fur-bearing mammals, other than a bobcat, without a seal | 501.385 | ----- | 6 |
Possessing the pelt of a bobcat without a seal | 501.385 | 502.347 | 6 |
Possessing the pelt of a mountain lion without a seal | 501.385 | 502.370 | 6 |
Possessing the horns of a ram bighorn sheep without a seal or brand | 501.385 | 502.345 | 6 |
Classification of Violations | NRS Section | NAC Section | Demerits |
Unlawfully importing or transporting a prohibited species of wildlife without a permit or license | 503.597 | 503.110 | 12 |
Collecting unprotected wildlife for commercial purposes without a permit | 501.385 | 503.095 | 12 |
Collecting live bait fish or live aquatic bait for commercial purposes without a permit | 501.385 | 503.513 | 12 |
Collecting unprotected fish for commercial purposes without a permit | 501.385 | 503.545 | 12 |
Selling live bait without a permit | 501.379 | 503.513 | 6 |
Conducting a field trial without a permit | 503.200 | 503.610 | 6 |
Conducting a dredging operation without a permit | 503.425 | 503.810 | 6 |
Possessing a raptor without a permit | 503.582 | 503.205 | 6 |
Furnishing false information to obtain a permit | 502.060 | ----- | 6 |
Hunting swan without a swan hunt permit | ----- | 502.380 | 6 |
Transferring or giving a swan hunt permit to any other person | ----- | 502.380 | 6 |
Using or possessing a swan hunt permit issued to another person | ----- | 502.380 | 6 |
Commercial taking of crayfish, except in accordance with a permit issued pursuant to NAC 503.540 | 501.385 | 503.540 | 6 |
Classification of Violations | NRS Section | NAC Section | Demerits |
Fishing at a fish hatchery or other waters used for the purpose of rearing or growing fish | 503.360 | ----- | 6 |
Obstructing, hindering or otherwise interfering with an officer, employee or agent of the Department | 501.385 | ----- | 12 |
Unlawfully selling big game mammals | 501.379 | ----- | 12 |
Unlawfully selling an endangered species | 501.379 | ----- | 12 |
Needless waste of big game mammals | 503.050 | ----- | 12 |
Hunting, fishing in nonnavigable waters or trapping on private property without permission | 503.240 | ----- | 9 |
Needless waste of game birds or game mammals, other than big game | 503.050 | ----- | 9 |
Unlawfully selling a threatened species | 501.379 | ----- | 9 |
Taking or gathering shed antlers in certain counties between January 1 and April 30 | 503.655 | 503.172 | 9 |
Unlawfully selling game other than big game mammals | |||
501.379 | ----- | 6 | |
Unlawfully selling a sensitive or protected species | 501.379 | ----- | 6 |
Unlawfully selling game fish | 501.381 | ----- | 6 |
Needless waste of game fish | 503.050 | ----- | 6 |
Unlawfully carrying a loaded rifle or shotgun in vehicle | 503.165 | ----- | 6 |
Unlawfully discharging a firearm Failing to retain the cape or scalp and any antlers or | 503.175 | ----- | 6 |
horns of wildlife | 501.385 | 503.173 | 6 |
Destroying or mutilating signs of the Department | 501.383 | ----- | 6 |
Polluting water | 503.430 | ----- | 6 |
Removing, altering or tampering with a tag placed on wildlife or on seized equipment | 501.377 | ----- | 6 |
Intentionally interfering with a person lawfully hunting or trapping | 503.015 | ----- | 6 |
Failing to make a reasonable effort to retrieve dead or crippled migratory waterfowl | 501.385 | 503.180 | 6 |
Taking or gathering shed antlers in certain counties between May 1 and June 30 without a certificate in violation of NAC 503.172 | 503.655 | 503.172 | 6 |
Conviction of a felony for intentionally killing a big game mammal, including aiding and abetting a person in the commission of the killing | 501.376 | ----- | 12 |
Conviction of a gross misdemeanor for intentionally killing a big game mammal, including aiding and abetting a person in the commission of the killing | 501.376 | ----- | 12 |
Conviction of a gross misdemeanor for willfully possessing an unlawfully killed big game mammal | 501.376 | ----- | 12 |
Acting as a master guide or subguide without a license | |||
504.395 | ----- | 12 | |
Furnishing false information to obtain a big game tag | 502.060 | ----- | 12 |
Unlawfully capturing a raptor with a steel leghold trap placed, set or maintained within 30 feet of exposed bait | 501.385 | 503.157 | 6 |
Trapping in a closed area | 501.385 | 504.340 | 6 |
Unlawfully removing or disturbing a trap, snare or similar device lawfully being used by another person | 503.454 | ----- | 6 |
Trapping fur-bearing mammals during closed season | 503.440 | ----- | 6 |
Trapping birds of prey or raptors without a permit or by unlawful means | 503.582 | 503.205 | 6 |
Failing to visit traps, snares or similar devices 48 or more hours after the required period for visitation | 503.570 | 503.152 | 6 |
Refusing to exhibit a license, wildlife, weapon, ammunition, device or apparatus | 502.120 | ----- | 12 |
Hunting without having procured a license | 502.010 | ----- | 6 |
Fishing without having procured a license | 502.010 | ----- | 6 |
Hunting without a license in possession | 502.120 | ----- | 6 |
Fishing without a license in possession | 502.120 | ----- | 6 |
Furnishing false information to obtain a license | 502.060 | ----- | 6 |
Furnishing of false information by a person serving in the Armed Forces of the United States to obtain a | |||
specialty combination hunting and fishing license | 502.290 | 502.220 | 6 |
Unlawfully transferring a license to another person | 502.100 | ----- | 6 |
Unlawfully using a license of another person | 502.100 | ----- | 6 |
Obtaining more than one license of each class | 502.110 | ----- | 6 |
Altering a license | 502.105 | ----- | 6 |
Practicing falconry without a license | 503.583 | 503.235 | 6 |
Operating as a fur dealer without a license | 505.010 | ----- | 6 |
Trapping without having procured a license | 502.010 | ----- | 6 |
Taking fur-bearing mammals, trapping unprotected mammals or selling raw furs for profit without having procured a license | 503.454 | ----- | 6 |
Trapping without a license in possession | 502.120 | ----- | 6 |
Hunting, fishing or trapping using a license that is invalid by reason of expiration or a false statement made to obtain the license | 502.060 | ----- | 6 |
Obtaining a hunting license without obtaining certification as a responsible hunter | 502.360 | ----- | 6 |
Nev. Admin. Code § 501.200