Nev. Admin. Code § 50.020

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 50.020 - Form of affidavit regarding competence of person to operate certified breath-testing device and regarding identity of person from whom affiant obtained sample

An affidavit which is referred to in subsection 1 of NRS 50.315 must be in substantially the following form:

State of Nevada }


County of............................... }

I, .............................., being first duly sworn, depose and say:

That I am ................ (occupation) employed by ............. (employer);

That I was certified on ......................... (date) by the Director of the Department of Public Safety as being competent to operate a ................ (name of breath-testing device), a device of a type which, as designed and manufactured, has been certified by the Committee on Testing for Intoxication to be accurate and reliable for testing a person's breath to determine the concentration of alcohol in his or her breath;

That on ......................... (date) I obtained a sample of the breath of ................ (name of person tested) and tested it in accordance with the prescribed checklist on a ................ (name of device) which was functioning properly; and

That the tests indicated the breath of the person tested contained the following concentrations of alcohol (grams per 210 liters of breath):

1st test .... 2nd test .... 3rd test ....


Affiant's Signature


Affiant's Title

Subscribed and sworn to before me this

............. day of the month of ........... of the year ......


Notary Public

Nev. Admin. Code § 50.020

Added to NAC by Com. on Testing for Intoxication, eff. 10-26-83; A 11-23-93; 9-9-94; R112-97, 5-26-98; R137-99, 12-13-99

NRS 50.315