Nev. Admin. Code § 489.380

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 489.380 - Certificates and labels; inspections; miscellaneous fees
1. The Division will charge the following fees:

(a) For each certificate and label of compliance .......................................................


(b) For each certificate and label of installation ........................................................


(c) For each permit for installation, reconstruction, repair or addition .....................


(d) For each original or duplicate certificate of ownership .......................................


(e) For each notice of conversion of real property ....................................................


(f) For a replacement of a:

(1) Label of compliance ........................................................................................


(2) Label of installation ........................................................................................


(3) License ............................................................................................................


(g) For the inspection and approval of a set of plans:

For the first hour ..........................................................................................


For each additional half hour or fraction thereof .........................................


(h) For the inspection and approval of a modification of an approved plan, per hour or fraction thereof ...................................................................................................


(i) For the consideration of a system of construction for approval ...........................


(j) For the inspection at the site and approval of the installation of:

(1) A commercial coach with a plumbing system, a manufactured home or a mobile home if the inspection is conducted within 25 miles of the inspector's station of duty .......................................................................................................................


(2) A commercial coach without a plumbing system if the inspection is conducted within 25 miles of the inspector's station of duty ...............................................


(k) For the reinspection and approval of the installation of a manufactured home, mobile home or commercial coach, in addition to the original fee for inspection .............................................................................................................................


(l) For the final inspection or reinspection at the site of a manufactured home, mobile home, mobile home park, commercial coach or travel trailer, or of the installation of a device which burns solid fuel or for any other inspection or service for which a fee is not prescribed:

For the first hour ...............................................................................................


For each additional half hour or fraction thereof ..............................................


(m) For an inspection of a plant used to manufacture manufactured homes, commercial coaches or travel trailers ...................................................................................


(n) For each search conducted to determine title ...........................................................


(o) For the sale of printed material:

For each page ofa copy ....................................................................................


For each study guide for an examination ..........................................................


For each copy of a regulation ............................................................................


(p) For filing a lien or an amended lien asserted upon a manufactured home, mobile home or commercial coach ......................................................................................


(q) For collecting a fee after a check given for payment is dishonored ........................


(r) For the inspection and approval of a set of plans for an attachment pursuant to NAC 489.470:

For the first hour ..............................................................................................


For each additional half hour or fraction thereof .............................................


(s) For filing an affidavit of the sale of a manufactured home, mobile home or commercial coach to satisfy a lien ......................................................................................


(t) For recording the sale of a manufactured home, mobile home or commercial coach without the immediate transfer of the certificate of title or certificate of ownership ............................................................................................................................


(u) For filing a notice or an amended notice of sale by auction of a manufactured home, mobile home or commercial coach ..........................................................................


(v) For a copy of the monthly report prepared by the Division on the record of sales of a dealer ...................................................................................................................


(w) For a list of the certificates of ownership issued by the Division for a period of:

Less than 2 years ..............................................................................................


Two years but not more than 5 years ...............................................................


More than 5 years.............................................................................................


(x) For a list of all mobile home parks or for a rent history of all mobile home parks ....................................................................................................................................


(y) For filing a bond submitted with an application for a certificate of ownership of a manufactured home, mobile home or commercial coach pursuant to NRS 489.562......................................................................................................................


2. For each inspection or reinspection conducted more than 25 miles from the inspector's station of duty, the Division will charge, in addition to the fee listed, the inspector's actual expenses for time and travel.
3. The Division will collect a fee for the sale of reports not listed in subsection 1 based upon the cost to the Division to produce those reports, plus a minimum fee for handling of $40 for the first report.
4. The Division will collect a fee for inspection, pursuant to a schedule established by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, from each manufacturer of manufactured homes who has a plant located in this State. The Division will pay the fee to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
5. As used in this section, "rent history" means the economic and demographic data collected by the Administrator pursuant to NRS 118B.025.

Nev. Admin. Code § 489.380

Added to NAC by Mfd. Housing Div., eff. 9-12-85; A 3-26-93; 8-23-95; R060-01, 10-30-2001; R053-03, 9-24-2003; R192-05, 9-18-2006; R126-08, 12-17-2008; A by R146-18A, eff. 12/18/2020; A by R091-19A, eff. 12/22/2021
NRS 489.562 and 489.585; §2, NRS 489.231 and 489.481