Current through December 31, 2024
Section 459.320 - Purpose; applicability; reasonable effort required1. The provisions of NAC 459.320 to 459.374, inclusive, establish standards for protection against radiation hazards. It is the purpose of those sections to control the receipt, possession, use, disposal and transfer of licensed or registered sources of radiation by any licensee or registrant in such a manner that the total dose to a natural person, including exposures to licensed or unlicensed or registered or unregistered sources of radiation, whether in the possession of the licensee, registrant or any other person, but not including exposure to radiation from natural background sources, medical diagnosis and therapy, natural persons who have been administered radioactive drugs or have received permanent implants containing radioactive material and have been released from the control of a licensee pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 35.75, or voluntary participation in medical research does not exceed the standards of radiation protection set forth in NAC 459.320 to 459.374, inclusive. Those sections will not be construed as limiting actions that may be necessary to protect the health and safety of the public.2. Except as otherwise specifically provided, NAC 459.320 to 459.374, inclusive, apply to all licensees or registrants. Those sections do not limit the intentional exposure of natural persons to radiation for the purpose of medical use or the intentional exposure of natural persons to radiation who are voluntarily participating in programs for medical research.3. In addition to complying with the requirements set forth in NAC 459.320 to 459.374, inclusive, a licensee or registrant shall make every reasonable effort to maintain exposures and releases of radioactive materials in effluents to unrestricted areas, as low as is reasonably achievable.Nev. Admin. Code § 459.320
Bd. of Health, Radiation Control Reg. §§ 4.1-4.1.2, eff. 2-28-80-NAC A 1-18-94; R084-98, 1-26-99; A by Dep't of Human Resources by R137-01, 5-30-2003; A by Bd. of Health by R085-06, 11-13-2006