Current through December 31, 2024
Section 453D.788 - Testing: Selection of representative samples and random samples; segregation period for entire lot; duties of testing facility; disposal of lot if sample fails test; release of lot if sample passes test; filing of electronic copy of certificate of analysis for tests performed by testing facility; grounds for disciplinary action for failure to comply1. Immediately before packaging:(a) Usable marijuana for sale to a retail marijuana store, marijuana product manufacturing facility or another marijuana cultivation facility, a marijuana cultivation facility shall segregate all harvested marijuana into homogenized lots of flower and trim, respectively, and allow a marijuana testing facility to select a representative sample for testing from each lot the marijuana cultivation facility has segregated. The marijuana testing facility which performs the test must collect the samples. If the marijuana cultivation facility has segregated the lot of harvested marijuana into packages or container sizes smaller than the entire lot, the marijuana testing facility must sample and test each package containing harvested marijuana from the lot.(b) Concentrated marijuana or marijuana products, a marijuana product manufacturing facility shall allow a marijuana testing facility to select a random sample from each lot or production run for testing by the marijuana testing facility. The marijuana testing facility performing the testing must collect the samples.(c) The marijuana testing facility selecting a sample shall, using tamper-resistant products, record the batch, lot or production run number and the weight or quantity of the sample and seal the sample into a container.2. A marijuana testing facility that receives a sample pursuant to this section shall test the sample as provided in NAC 453D.780.3. From the time that a lot or production run has been homogenized for sample testing and eventual packaging and sale to a retail marijuana store, marijuana product manufacturing facility or, if applicable, another marijuana cultivation facility until the marijuana testing facility provides the certificate of analysis from its tests and analysis, the marijuana establishment which provided the sample shall segregate and withhold from use the entire lot or production run, except the samples that have been removed by the marijuana testing facility for testing. During this period of segregation, the marijuana establishment which provided the sample shall maintain the lot or production run in a secure, cool and dry location so as to prevent the marijuana from becoming contaminated or losing its efficacy. Under no circumstances shall the marijuana establishment which provided the sample sell the marijuana or marijuana products, as applicable, to a retail marijuana store, marijuana product manufacturing facility or, if applicable, another marijuana cultivation facility before the time that the marijuana testing facility has completed its testing and analysis and provided the certificate of analysis to the marijuana establishment which provided the sample.4. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, a marijuana testing facility shall immediately return or dispose of any sample received pursuant to this section upon the completion of any testing, use or research. If a marijuana testing facility disposes of a sample received pursuant to this section, the marijuana testing facility shall document the disposal of the sample using its inventory control system pursuant to NAC 453D.426 and 453D.430.5. A marijuana testing facility shall keep any sample which fails testing or which is collected by the State Department of Agriculture for confirmation testing for 30 days after failure or collection. A sample which is kept pursuant to this subsection must be stored in a manner approved by the Department of Taxation. A marijuana testing facility shall dispose of a sample kept pursuant to this subsection after 30 days have elapsed after failure or collection.6. Except as otherwise provided in NAC 453D.790, if a sample provided to a marijuana testing facility pursuant to this section does not pass the testing required by NAC 453D.780, the marijuana establishment which provided the sample shall dispose of the entire lot or production run from which the sample was taken and document the disposal of the sample using its inventory control system pursuant to NAC 453D.426 and 453D.430.7. If a sample provided to a marijuana testing facility pursuant to this section passes the testing required by NAC 453D.780, the marijuana testing facility shall release the entire lot or production run for immediate manufacturing, packaging and labeling for sale to a retail marijuana store, a marijuana product manufacturing facility or, if applicable, another marijuana cultivation facility.8. A marijuana establishment shall not use more than one marijuana testing facility to test the same lot or production run of marijuana without the approval of the Department.9. A marijuana testing facility shall file with the Department, in a manner prescribed by the Department, an electronic copy of the certificate of analysis for all tests performed by the marijuana testing facility, regardless of the outcome of the test, including all testing required by NAC 453D.780 to 453D.786, inclusive, at the same time that it transmits those results to the facility which provided the sample. The marijuana testing facility shall transmit an electronic copy of the certificate of analysis for each test to the Department by electronic mail at:(a) If the test was passed,; or(b) If the test was failed, An electronic mail message transmitted pursuant to subsection 9 must be formatted as follows: (a) The subject line of the electronic mail message must be the name of the marijuana establishment from which the sample was collected.(b) The name of the electronic file containing the certificate of analysis must be: (1) Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (2) or (3), the four digit identifier assigned by the Department to the marijuana testing facility, followed by an underscore, followed by the four digit identifier assigned by the Department to the marijuana establishment from which the sample was collected, followed by an underscore, followed by: (I) If the sample was from a production run, the production run number; or(II) If the sample was not from a production run, the batch number, followed by an underscore, followed by the lot number.(2) If the certificate of analysis is from a retesting of a previously failed sample, an underscore followed by the word "Retest" must be appended to the end of the name of the electronic file.(3) If the certificate of analysis has been amended, an underscore followed by the word "Amended" must be appended to the end of the name of the electronic file.(c) If the certificate of analysis has been amended, the electronic copy of the certificate of analysis must state "Amended" in bold red font at the center of the top of the first page of the report and must contain a statement of the reason for the amendment.11. The Department will take immediate disciplinary action against any marijuana establishment which fails to comply with the provisions of this section or falsifies records related to this section, including, without limitation, revoking the license of the marijuana establishment.12. A marijuana testing facility may subcontract its testing of marijuana or marijuana products only to another marijuana testing facility.Nev. Admin. Code § 453D.788
Added to NAC by Dep't of Taxation by R092-17, eff. 2-27-2018