Current through December 31, 2024
Section 453D.776 - Limited testing for research and development purposes1. A marijuana cultivation facility or a marijuana product manufacturing facility may conduct operations and request limited laboratory testing by a marijuana testing facility for research and development purposes.2. A marijuana cultivation facility or marijuana product manufacturing facility described in subsection 1 shall: (a) Notify the Department of its intent to conduct research and development on a form prescribed by the Department by electronic mail before sending a sample to a marijuana testing facility;(b) Quarantine each batch, lot or production run in a separate quarantine area and label each batch, lot or production run with a distinctive label containing "R&D QUARANTINE" as a header and footer in 20-point white font and a red background;(c) Account for all marijuana subject to quarantine pursuant to paragraph (b) in its inventory control system;(d) Limit all research and development operations to clearly segregated and designated areas or rooms marked "R&D CULTIVATION AREA" or "R&D PRODUCTION AREA" on 8 1/2 by 11 inch signs with a red background and white lettering, posted at the entrance to the area or room and along the walls of the area or room, with a minimum of one sign for every 300 square feet of the area or room; and(e) Perform research and development operations in a grow room only if the plants used for such operations are designated and separated from other plants.3. A marijuana cultivation facility or marijuana product manufacturing facility operating as described in subsection 1 may request limited testing protocols from a marijuana testing facility for research and development purposes.4. A marijuana testing facility that performs testing for a marijuana cultivation facility or marijuana product manufacturing facility described in subsection 1 shall report the results of the testing to the marijuana establishment and to the Department by electronic mail. The marijuana testing facility shall clearly mark the test results with "R&D TESTING ONLY -- NOT FOR RESALE" on the header and footer of the report in 20-point white font and a red background.5. A batch, lot or production run produced for research and development purposes pursuant to this section which fails quality assurance testing need not be destroyed.6. A batch, lot or production run originally produced for research and development purposes pursuant to this section may not be sold to a retail marijuana store until the batch, lot or production run has undergone and passed all testing required by NAC 453D.450.Nev. Admin. Code § 453D.776
Added to NAC by Dep't of Taxation by R092-17, eff. 2-27-2018