Current through December 31, 2024
Section 453A.Sec. 179 - NEW1. A marijuana product manufacturing facility may only use the methods, equipment, solvents, gases and mediums set forth in this section when creating marijuana extracts.2. A marijuana product manufacturing facility may use the hydrocarbons N-butane, isobutane, propane, heptane or other solvents or gases exhibiting low to minimal potential human health-related toxicity approved by the Department. These solvents must be of at least 99 percent purity and a marijuana product manufacturing facility must, when using such solvents: (a) Use the solvents in a professional grade, closed-loop extraction system designed to recover the solvents;(b) Work in a spark-free environment with proper ventilation; and(c) Follow all applicable local fire, safety and building codes in the processing and storage of the solvents.3. A marijuana product manufacturing facility may use a professional grade, closed-loop CO2 gas extraction system where every vessel is rated to a minimum of 900 pounds per square inch and it follows all applicable local fire, safety and building codes in the processing and the storage of the solvents. The CO2 must be of at least 99 percent purity.4. A marijuana product manufacturing facility may use heat, screens, presses, steam distillation, ice water and other methods without employing solvents or gases to create kief, hashish, bubble hash, infused dairy butter, or oils or fats derived from natural sources, and other extracts.5. A marijuana product manufacturing facility may use food grade glycerin, ethanol and propylene glycol solvents to create marijuana extracts.6. A marijuana product manufacturing facility which creates marijuana extracts must develop standard operating procedures, good manufacturing practices and a training plan before producing marijuana extracts for the marketplace. Any person using solvents or gases in a closed-looped system to create marijuana extracts must be fully trained on how to use the system, have direct access to applicable material safety data sheets and safely handle and store the solvents and gases.7. The acceptable parts per million for 1 gram of finished extract of residual solvent or gas will be determined by the Independent Laboratory Advisory Committee established pursuant to NAC 453A.666.Nev. Admin. Code § 453A.Sec. 179
Added to NAC by Div. of Pub. & Behavioral Health by R092-17AP, eff. 2/27/2018