Nev. Admin. Code § 445A.748

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 445A.748 - Review of completed facility plan; environmental assessment
1. The Division shall review the completed facility plan with particular attention to the environmental information document and its use in the development of alternatives and the selection of a preferred alternative. An adequate environmental information document must be part of any facility plan submitted. The environmental information document must be of sufficient scope to enable the Division to approve or deny any request to partition the environmental review process and to prepare an environmental assessment.
2. The process of environmental assessment must cover all potentially significant environmental impacts. The Division shall prepare a preliminary environmental assessment in sufficient detail to serve as an adequate basis for an independent environmental review and for the decision to prepare and issue a finding of no significant impact or an environmental impact statement. The Division may require the submission of supplementary information before approving any facility plan. Each of the following areas must be reviewed to identify potentially significant environmental concerns and all potential impacts must be addressed in the environmental assessment:
(a) For the area delineated in the facility plan, the existing environmental conditions relevant to the analysis of alternatives or to determining the environmental impacts of the proposed action.
(b) The relevant future environmental conditions without the project.
(c) The purpose of and need for the facility. This must include a summary discussion and demonstration of the need for wastewater treatment in the area encompassed by the facility plan, with particular emphasis on existing public health or water quality problems and their severity and extent.
(d) A comparative analysis of feasible alternatives, including the no action alternative. The alternatives must be reviewed with respect to:
(1) Capital and operating costs;
(2) Direct, indirect and cumulative environmental effects;
(3) Physical, legal or institutional constraints; and
(4) Compliance with regulatory requirements.

Special attention must be given to the environmental consequences of long-term, irreversible and induced environmental impacts. The reasons for rejecting any alternative must be presented in addition to any significant environmental benefits precluded by rejection of an alternative.

(e) A full range of relevant environmental impacts of the proposed action must be discussed, including measures to mitigate adverse impacts and any irreversible or irretrievable commitments of resources to the project. Any specific requirements, including conditions of financial assistance and the requirements of an areawide waste treatment management plan or nonpoint source management program, must be identified and referenced. In addition to these items, the Division may require that other analyses and data which are needed to satisfy environmental review requirements be included with the facility plan.
3. The Division shall not accept a facility plan if the applicant has not made or agreed to make changes in the project in accordance with determinations made in a finding of no significant impact based on its supporting environmental assessment or the record of decision for an environmental impact statement.
4. Sources of information used to describe the existing environment and to assess future environmental impacts must be clearly referenced. These sources must include regional, state and federal agencies with responsibility or interest in the area and actions described in the facility plan.

Nev. Admin. Code § 445A.748

Added to NAC by Environmental Comm'n, eff. 9-19-90-Substituted in revision for NAC 445.42116

NRS 445A.135, 445A.160