Nev. Admin. Code § 439A.655

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 439A.655 - Civil penalties
1. Any penalty imposed pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection 1 of NRS 439A.310 must be paid before the issuance of any license. The failure to pay a penalty is a ground for denial of an application for a letter of approval or withdrawal of a letter of approval.
2. If the Director determines that a person is subject to a penalty pursuant to NRS 439A.310, the Director will, before the imposition of the penalty:
(a) Afford the person a hearing to show cause why a penalty should not be imposed; and
(b) Send to the person, at least 20 days before the hearing, notice of the violation and hearing, which includes:
(1) The specific violation for which the Director proposes to impose a penalty, including a specific citation to the provision which is alleged to have been violated;
(2) The specific amount of the proposed penalty for each specified violation;
(3) The date, time and place scheduled for the hearing; and
(4) A statement of the rights of the person pursuant to chapter 233B of NRS.
3. The Director or a designee thereof will serve as the hearing officer and will render a decision no later than 10 working days after the close of the hearing.
4. The decision of the hearing officer will be made in writing and will include written findings of fact upon which the decision was based.
5. Notice of the decision will be provided to the person by mail.

Nev. Admin. Code § 439A.655

Added to NAC by Dep't of Human Resources, eff. 9-4-84; A 3-6-86

NRS 439A.081, 439A.310