Nev. Admin. Code § 391.0897

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 391.0897 - Qualifications to serve as substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade; endorsement as substitute teacher on provisional or special license; period for which substitute teacher may be hired; provisional nonrenewable special license; renewal
1. Except as otherwise provided in NAC 391.0896, to serve as a substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12, a person must hold a valid:
(a) Elementary or secondary license, a license to teach pupils in a program of early childhood education, a license to teach special education, or a license to teach middle school or junior high school education;
(b) Special license or provisional special license with an endorsement as a substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12 issued pursuant to subsection 2; or
(c) Provisional special license with an endorsement as a registered apprentice issued pursuant to section 2 of LCB File No. R128-22, as amended by section 12 of LCB File No. R008-24 and section 3.
2. To receive an endorsement as a substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12 on a special license or a provisional special license, a person must:
(a) Have completed at least 60 semester hours of credit from an accredited college or university; or
(b) Possess an associate's degree or higher degree from an accredited college or university.
3. A school district may hire a person to serve as a substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12 for:
(a) Unlimited days of service if filling the position of a licensed teacher who is under contract.
(b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, 60 days of service if filling a teaching position for which a licensed teacher has not been hired under contract.
4. The Department may grant a school district one extension for 30 days with regard to a person who is hired pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 3 in an exceptional case upon request from the superintendent of schools of the county school district or from the administrator of a state-approved private school. Upon the expiration of such an extension, a school district may apply for an additional extension pursuant to NAC 391.398 if the school district is unable to hire a licensed special education teacher.
5. A person who holds a provisional nonrenewable special license with an endorsement as a substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12 must remove all provisions under which the license was issued before the date on which the license expires pursuant to subsection 1 of NAC 391.065. If a person does not remove all provisions under which the license was issued before that date, the endorsement as a substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12 expires on that date.
6. The Department shall not issue any other endorsements on a special license or a provisional nonrenewable special license with an endorsement as a substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12.
7. An applicant for the issuance or renewal of a special license with an endorsement as a substitute teacher in early childhood education through grade 12 is exempt from the requirements of NAC 391.036 and 391.065 if he or she is not also applying for the issuance or renewal of another license or endorsement for which he or she is subject to those requirements.

Nev. Admin. Code § 391.0897

(Added to NAC by Comm'n on Prof. Standards in Education, eff. 6-19-96; A by R219-97, 4-17-98; R017-11, 10-26-2011; R053-17, 6-26-2018; R112-18, 6-26-2019) - (Substituted in revision for NAC 391.332); A by R065-23A, eff. 8/28/2024; A by R100-24A, eff. 12/19/2024

NRS 391.019