Nev. Admin. Code § 389.393

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 389.393 - Eighth grade: Home and career skills

A course of study in home and career skills must include instruction designed to teach the pupil by the completion of the eighth grade to:

1. Describe how decisions are made.
2. Describe how different types of decisions differ with regard to frequency, level and complexity when given the opportunity to analyze typical activities of teenagers.
3. Explain how human needs, wants, values, goals and standards affect decision making when given a variety of life situations.
4. Apply the principles of making decisions to given life situations.
5. Apply the process of solving problems to a given life situation and select a solution from a group of alternatives.
6. Demonstrate how human and nonhuman resources can be used to accomplish a given task.
7. Apply the principles of management to demonstrate the interchangeable nature of resources.
8. Demonstrate the interrelationship among the skills of decision making, problem solving and management.
9. Relate self concept and factors which affect its formation and development to the pupil's own situation.
10. Recognize that personal judgments of others are affected by appearance, behavior and gender.
11. Establish a goal for personal improvement.
12. Identify and resolve concerns common to adolescents.
13. Apply the skills of decision making, problem solving and management to attain a goal established for personal improvement.
14. Develop a plan to manage personal time that incorporates personal values, standards and goals.
15. Analyze the influence of peers and "significant others" on personal development.
16. Analyze the influence of the family on personal development.
17. Develop communication skills used in interpersonal relationships.
18. Recognize the adolescent's role in providing for the needs of others who are dependent upon him or her.
19. Analyze how roles and responsibilities change in relation to personal development.
20. Identify the factors that influence the practices of the consumer.
21. Identify the rights and responsibilities of the consumer and the alternative choices that a consumer possesses regarding money, nutrition, wardrobe and the management of his or her personal environment.
22. Demonstrate skills related to comparative shopping.
23. Apply the principles of managing money to a personal spending plan.
24. Evaluate safe, efficient and profitable methods of saving money to manage personal resources.
25. Apply procedures that will protect personal money and avoid unnecessary risks.
26. Describe the significance of the cultural, social, psychological, biological, economic, political, global and leisure conditions which affect a person's choice of food.
27. Evaluate dietary patterns to meet nutritional needs.
28. Apply the skills of decision making, problem solving and management to purchasing food and preparing meals.
29. Plan a wardrobe and accessories based on personal wants, values and finances.
30. Demonstrate care and maintenance of a personal wardrobe and accessories.
31. Describe the human need for personal privacy and the respect for the property of others.
32. Apply the skills of decision making, problem solving and management in selecting, using and maintaining living accommodations.
33. Identify the reasons for working, using descriptions of different work environments.
34. Identify characteristics of workers that contribute to individual and group success.
35. Predict the effects of technology and the changing roles of society on work and workers in the 21st century.
36. Apply the skills of decision making, problem solving and management to planning a career.
37. Determine alternative career interests and the suitability of entrepreneurship as a career choice.
38. Analyze factors that lead to the success of a small enterprise.

Nev. Admin. Code § 389.393

Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, 1-26-90, eff. 9-1-92-Substituted in revision for NAC 389.442

NRS 385.080, 385.110