Nev. Admin. Code § 389.5714

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 389.5714 - American Sign Language: Third year

A course of study in American Sign Language must include instruction designed to teach a pupil by completion of the third year:

1. Receptive skills, including, without limitation:
(a) The ability to comprehend conversations of intermediate length in standard dialects based on region, age and educational differences;
(b) An increased vocabulary;
(c) The ability to use common grammatical features and word order patterns in sentences of intermediate length;
(d) An advanced understanding of longer conversations and messages within familiar communicative situations; and
(e) The ability to sustain comprehension through contextual inferences in short communications with persons who are fluent in American Sign Language.
2. Expressive skills, including, without limitation:
(a) Use of an advanced vocabulary and commonly encountered structures of signs;
(b) Advanced proficiency in expressing comprehensively ideas relating to the past, present and future;
(c) Improved ability to express more complex thoughts;
(d) Continued development of sequential relationships; and
(e) The ability to sign comprehensively with little difficulty and in a manner which is comprehensible to persons fluent in American Sign Language with less repetition.
3. Interactive skills, including, without limitation:
(a) Continued development in initiating and sustaining conversation;
(b) Use of an expanded vocabulary, paraphrasing and more common grammatical features;
(c) Use of word order in conversation accurately and in more complex patterns;
(d) The ability to sustain coherent structures of signs in intermediate communications; and
(e) The ability to demonstrate extended communication which is cohesive.
4. Cultural skills, including, without limitation:
(a) Increased knowledge of different cultures and of the culture of the community of persons who are deaf and an advanced ability in applying such knowledge;
(b) A more extensive understanding of cultures as systems of values that evolve over time;
(c) The ability to demonstrate the manner in which certain values are associated with certain behavior patterns in the culture of the pupil as well as the culture of the community of persons who are deaf;
(d) The ability to distinguish culturally authentic patterns of behavior from idiosyncratic behaviors;
(e) Knowledge of current events involving persons who are deaf and of persons who are deaf who are prominent in American society;
(f) Knowledge of historical events involving persons who are deaf;
(g) Increased familiarity with directional signs within the geographical area in which the class is given; and
(h) Familiarity with systems of signs derived from American Sign Language.

Nev. Admin. Code § 389.5714

Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R036-99, eff. 11-3-99

NRS 385.080, 385.110, 389.0185