Nev. Admin. Code § 389.566

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 389.566 - Career and technical education in cooperation with private employer: Duties of employer

The employer of a pupil in a program of study in career and technical education that includes an apprenticeship or paid work experience shall:

1. Participate in the development of the training agreement and training plan entered into pursuant to NRS 389.167, as amended by section 2 of Senate Bill No. 66, chapter 596, Statutes of Nevada 2017, at page 4334.
2. Assist the pupil to develop skills necessary to be successful in the career pathway of the apprenticeship or paid work experience.
3. Provide for direct supervision of the pupil's work.
4. Give the pupil progressive and challenging work that builds upon the knowledge gained by the pupil from classroom instruction.
5. Review the progress of the pupil in achieving the goals included in the training agreement and training plan described in subsection 1.
6. Provide the same level of liability and worker's compensation insurance as the employer provides for other employees of the same level as the pupil and provide the work-based learning coordinator designated pursuant to NRS 389.167, as amended by section 2 of Senate Bill No. 66, chapter 596, Statutes of Nevada 2017, at page 4334, with evidence of such insurance.

Nev. Admin. Code § 389.566

Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 5-4-87; A by Bd. for Career & Tech. Educ. by R172-05, 2-23-2006; A by R154-13, eff. 6/23/2014; A by R096-17AP, eff. 6/26/2018
NRS 385.080, 385.114, 388.360, as amended by section 10 of Senate Bill No. 301, chapter 115, Statutes of Nevada 2017, at page 503, NRS 389.167, as amended by section 2 of Senate Bill No. 66, chapter 596, Statutes of Nevada 2017, at page 4334