Current through December 31, 2024
Section 387.131 - School day in session1. Except as otherwise provided in this section and except for an alternative schedule approved pursuant to NAC 387.125, a school day in session must consist of the following minimum daily periods for each grade, including recess and time between activities, but not including the time allowed for lunch: Grade | Period |
Kindergarten | 240 minutes |
1 and 2 | 240 minutes |
3 through 6 | 300 minutes |
7 through 12 | 330 minutes |
2. The minimum daily period for a program of special education is identical to the period for a regular grade unless an exception is permitted by a pupil's individualized education program.3. The minimum daily period for an adult high school program, an alternative program, a program of distance education, a program of independent study or a program of instruction in a detention home is identical to the period for a regular grade unless the school district: (a) Exercises its option pursuant to subsection 4 of NAC 387.140; or(b) Obtains the written approval of the Superintendent of Public Instruction for a program that demonstrates progress or completion by pupils in a curriculum that is equivalent to the regular school curriculum. The approval of an adult high school program pursuant to NAC 387.190, an alternative program pursuant to NRS 388.537 or a program of distance education pursuant to NAC 388.830 shall be deemed written approval by the Superintendent pursuant to this paragraph if the approved program demonstrates progress or completion by pupils in a curriculum that is equivalent to the regular school curriculum. For purposes of this paragraph, competency in curriculum that meets the state standards may be considered equivalent to the regular school curriculum.4. A day on which school is dismissed for pupils to attend, or to be transported to, extracurricular activities may not be counted as a school day in session unless every pupil for whom school is dismissed is directly participating in the activity in a manner other than as a spectator.5. Upon approval of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, any day on which pupils in kindergarten are assessed for instructional purposes may be counted as a school day in session.Nev. Admin. Code § 387.131
Added to NAC by Bd. of Education, eff. 6-23-86; A 11-14-94; R033-99, 11-3-99; R029-01, 11-1-2001; R043-04, 7-16-2004; R134-07, 6-17-2008; A by R066-22A, eff. 2/13/2023