Nev. Admin. Code § 284.578

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 284.578 - Leave of absence without pay
1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 284.360, an appointing authority may grant a leave of absence without pay to an employee for not more than 1 year for any satisfactory reason.
2. The Commission may grant leaves of absence without pay in excess of 1 year for purposes deemed beneficial to the public service.
3. An appointing authority may require an employee on leave of absence without pay to submit every 2 weeks a statement of his or her intent to return to work.
4. If the reason for granting the leave no longer exists, the appointing authority may revoke the leave after notifying the employee in writing and allowing, so far as is practicable, not less than 5 working days after the date of notification for the employee to return to work.
5. An employee shall request leave without pay at least 30 days in advance of when the need for the leave is foreseeable, if practicable.
6. An employee may not use leave without pay in lieu of sick leave or annual leave without approval of the appointing authority.
7. An employee who is using leave pursuant to the Family and Medical Leave Act may not use leave without pay until the employee has exhausted all the accrued sick leave, accrued annual leave, accrued compensatory time and catastrophic leave that the employee is eligible to use based on the nature of the absence, as required by NAC 284.5811.
8. An appointing authority shall grant leave without pay, upon request, to an employee who is a victim of an act which constitutes domestic violence or sexual assault or whose family or household member is a victim of an act which constitutes domestic violence or sexual assault, and the employee is not the alleged perpetrator, if:
(a) The employee has been employed in public service for at least 90 days; and
(b) The combination of all leave taken by the employee for this purpose does not exceed 160 hours in the 12-month period immediately following the date on which the act which constitutes domestic violence or sexual assault occurred.

Nev. Admin. Code § 284.578

[Personnel Div., Rule VII § E subsecs. 1-4, eff. 8-11-73] - (NAC A by Dep't of Personnel, 10-26-84; 3-23-94; 10-27-97; A by Personnel Comm'n by R145-05, 12-29-2005; R060-09, 11-25-2009; R037-17, 10-31-2017, eff. 1-1-2018)

; A by R063-18A, eff. 9/21/2018; A by R165-24A, eff. 10/23/2024

NRS 284.065, 284.155, 284.345, 284.360, 608.0198