Nev. Admin. Code § 284.538

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 284.538 - Annual leave: Computation; part-time employees; long-term employees
1. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection and NAC 284.5415, to compute the amount of annual leave to which an employee is entitled, an employee must be considered to work not more than 40 hours each week. If an employee occupies more than one position in different departments, he or she must be considered to work not more than 40 hours each week in each position.
2. A part-time employee is entitled to receive annual leave that is prorated based on the number of hours he or she is in paid status, excluding overtime.
3. An employee who holds two or more part-time positions in state service may combine the number of hours he or she is in paid status for all positions to compute annual leave, excluding overtime.
4. The basis for the computation of annual leave to which an exempt classified employee or exempt unclassified employee is entitled must not exceed the number of hours authorized in the biennial operating budget of this State for his or her position.
5. For each calendar month of full-time service, an employee is entitled to accrue annual leave at the rate of:
(a) One and one-half days per month for an employee who has completed 10 years or more but less than 15 years of continuous full-time or part-time state service; or
(b) One and three-fourths days per month for an employee who has completed 15 years or more of continuous full-time or part-time state service.

If an employee has not been in continuous public service, the period before the interruption will not be counted except as otherwise provided in NAC 284.5405.

Nev. Admin. Code § 284.538

[Personnel Div., Rule VII § C, eff. 8-11-73; A 2-5-82] - (NAC A by Dep't of Personnel, 10-26-84; 3-27-92; 9-16-92; 11-16-95; 10-27-97; R031-98, 4-17-98; A by Personnel Comm'n by R145-05, 12-29-2005)

NRS 284.065, 284.155, 284.345, 284.350