Nev. Admin. Code § 284.524

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 284.524 - Reporting for work; workweeks and workdays; periods for meals and rest
1. An employee shall report for a work shift on time and ready to perform the duties and tasks assigned to his or her position. For purposes of determining whether an employee is in compliance with the requirement that an employee report for a work shift on time, the work shift of an employee who is not working remotely begins when the employee arrives at the entrance to the physical location at which the employee performs his or her duties or responsibilities. An employee who reports for a work shift early is not entitled to receive overtime unless the overtime is approved in accordance with subsection 10 of NRS 284.180 and NAC 284.242.
2. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the workweek for state employees is 40 hours. A workweek of a different number of hours may be established to meet the needs of state agencies in compliance with the provisions of NRS 281.100, 281.110 and 284.180.
3. The workday for a state employee who is not working remotely begins at the time specified in subsection 1 and includes, without limitation, the time it takes the employee to:
(a) Travel to and from the entrance to the physical location at which the employee performs his or her duties or responsibilities and to a location designated by his or her employer as his or her assigned workstation within that location;
(b) Conduct a mandatory pre- or post-shift briefing between arriving and departing staff; and
(c) Perform any other activities required by an appointing authority.
4. The workday for a full-time state employee who works a standard or nonstandard work schedule consists of two work periods separated by a 1/2- to 1-hour meal period. Insofar as practicable, the meal period must occur in the middle of the work shift. A rest period of 15 minutes must be granted for each 4-hour period of work and, except as otherwise provided in NAC 284.5242 and insofar as practicable, must occur in the middle of the period of work.
5. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 6 and 7, an appointing authority shall provide a meal period and rest period to an employee who has an innovative work schedule during each workday as follows:
(a) A 1/2- to 1-hour meal period must be provided during each period of work that exceeds 6 hours. Insofar as practicable, the meal period must occur in the middle of the work shift.
(b) A rest period of 15 minutes must be provided for each 4-hour period of work and, except as otherwise provided in NAC 284.5242 and insofar as practicable, must occur in the middle of the period of work.
6. The requirement to relieve an employee for a 1/2- to 1-hour meal period does not apply to an employee who receives a paid meal period.
7. The requirement for a rest period does not apply to an employee who works:
(a) Directly with the inmates at a correctional institution.
(b) For the Division of Public and Behavioral Health of the Department of Health and Human Services and who:
(1) Maintains or monitors the equipment in a heat plant which operates 24 hours a day; and
(2) Works a straight 8-hour work shift.

Nev. Admin. Code § 284.524

Added to NAC by Dep't of Personnel, eff. 10-26-84; A 4-20-90; 8-1-91; 11-12-93; R031-98, 4-17-98; R098-99, 9-27-99; A by Personnel Comm'n by R068-03, 10-30-2003; R145-05, 12-29-2005; R033-17, 10-31-2017; A by R141-22A, eff. 6/4/2024

NRS 284.065, as amended by section 72 of Senate Bill No. 431, chapter 532, Statutes of Nevada 2023, at page 3562, 284.155, 284.345