Current through December 31, 2024
Section 127.260 - Relinquishment of child for adoption1. Before a child-placing agency accepts from biological parents a relinquishment of a child for adoption, the agency shall comply with the requirements of NAC 127.245 and, if the agency determines that the child is not an Indian child:(a) Discuss with the parents the alternatives for keeping the child, and determine that the parents are prepared to relinquish their rights and responsibilities regarding the child.(b) Assist the parents in reaching a decision regarding the most favorable plan of action for both the parents and the child, and determine the services necessary to carry out that plan.(c) If appropriate, inform the parents that rights of visitation may be granted to certain relatives pursuant to NRS 125C.050.(d) Ensure that the parents have had ample time and received ample counseling to consider all the implications of their decision. A child-placing agency shall not accept such a relinquishment within 72 hours after the birth of the child.(e) Ensure that the relinquishment is:(1) Executed in the presence of and acknowledged before a notary public or other person authorized to administer oaths in this state; and(2) Attested by at least two competent and disinterested witnesses, including at least one social worker employed by a child-placing agency or an agency which provides child welfare services, who subscribe their names to the relinquishment in the presence of the relinquishing parent.(f) The child-placing agency shall arrange, if necessary, for the provision of:(1) Except as otherwise provided in this subparagraph, living accommodations until no later than 3 months after the birth of the child. The child-placing agency may arrange for the provision of living accommodations until no later than 5 months after the birth of the child if the biological parent has extenuating medical needs.(2) Financial assistance, such as for food, clothing, rent and utilities, until no later than 3 months after the birth of the child.(3) Medical care, including prenatal, obstetrical, hospital and dental care.(4) Psychiatric and psychological services.2. A child-placing agency shall provide a relinquishing parent with a copy of his or her relinquishment of a child for adoption.Nev. Admin. Code § 127.260
Added to NAC by Div. of Child & Fam. Services, eff. 11-23-93; A 5-14-96; 8-30-96; R056-02, 7-30-2002