Nev. Admin. Code § 127.235

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 127.235 - Study of prospective adoptive home: Application and general requirements
1. A person who wishes to have his or her home studied by a child-placing agency for the purpose of adoption must:
(a) Make a written application on a form provided by the agency;
(b) Submit a copy of his or her fingerprints as required by NRS 127.281, unless the applicant is also a foster parent licensed by the agency conducting the study of the prospective adoptive home;
(c) Sign a release of information, upon the request of the agency, authorizing the agency to contact any person who the agency determines may have information which is necessary to evaluate the home; and
(d) Cooperate with the agency by providing other information as necessary to evaluate the home.
2. Upon receiving an application from a prospective adoptive parent, a child-placing agency shall:
(a) Assist the applicant in determining whether adoption is in his or her best interests.
(b) Inform the applicant of the:
(1) Types of adoption that the agency offers.
(2) Types of children available for adoption.
(3) Types of financial assistance available for the adoption of children with special needs, and the procedures and criteria for obtaining that assistance.
(4) Procedures involved in adoption.
(c) Provide the applicant with a copy of the agency's schedule of fees.
(d) Evaluate the applicant to determine his or her suitability for becoming an adoptive parent. Such an evaluation must include:
(1) An interview and assessment of each individual applicant and, if applicants are married, an interview and assessment of both applicants together.
(2) An assessment conducted pursuant to subparagraph (1) must include, without limitation, an inquiry into any factor that the caseworker determines is necessary to assess the ability of the applicant to meet the needs of the child to be adopted.
(3) A visit to and assessment of the home of the applicant, including, without limitation, a fire and safety inspection that is conducted in a manner approved by the Division.
(4) A request for and review of any reports and investigations made pursuant to chapter 432B of NRS regarding the abuse or neglect of a child by the applicant or any member of the applicant's household who is 18 years of age or older.
(5) A request for and review of any information concerning the applicant and any member of the applicant's household who is 18 years of age or older maintained by local agencies of law enforcement.
(6) A request for and review of any records of criminal history regarding the applicant and any member of the applicant's household who is 18 years of age or older obtained pursuant to NRS 127.281.
(7) The receipt and review of at least five satisfactory references from persons who have known the applicant for not less than 2 years. Not more than two of the references may be from members of the family of the applicant.
(8) A medical examination of the applicant and each member of his or her household.
(9) Verification of the marital status of the applicant, including the review of any applicable records regarding marriage, divorce and the death of a spouse.

Nev. Admin. Code § 127.235

Added to NAC by Div. of Child & Fam. Services, eff. 11-23-93; A 5-14-96; R067-99, 11-8-99; R056-02, 7-30-2002

NRS 127.230, 127.2805