A type 2 storage facility shall be a box, a trailer, a semi-trailer, or other mobile facility. It shall be bullet-resistant, weather-resistant, theft-resistant, fire-resistant, and well ventilated. Except as provided in Chapter 9, para. 008.03, hinges and hasps shall be attached to the covers or doors in the manner prescribed in Chapter 9, para. 007.01H and the locking system shall be that prescribed in Chapter 9, para. 007.01I.
Outdoor storage facilities shall be at least 1 cubic yard in size and supported in such a manner so as to prevent direct contact with the ground. The sides, bottoms, tops and covers or doors shall be constructed of 1/4 inch steel and shall be lined with 2 inches of hardwood. Edges of metal covers shall overlap sides at least 1 inch. The ground around such storage facilities shall slope away for drainage. When unattended, vehicular storage facilities shall have wheels removed or shall be otherwise effectively immobilized by kingpin locking devices or other methods approved by the Nebraska State Patrol.
No indoor facility for the storage of high explosives shall be located in a residence or dwelling. When located in a warehouse, wholesale, or retail establishment, such storage facilities shall be provided with substantial wheels or casters to facilitate removal from the building. No more than two indoor storage facilities shall be kept in any one building. Two storage facilities may be kept in the same building only when one is used for the storage of blasting caps, squibs, or similar items and other facility is used for the storage of other high explosives. Each storage facility shall be located on the floor nearest the ground level and within 10 feet of an outside exit. Indoor storage facilities within one building shall be separated by a distance of not less than 10 feet. No indoor storage facility shall contain a quantity of high explosives in excess of 50 pounds or more than 5,000 blasting caps. Indoor facilities shall be of wood or metal construction as prescribed in Chapter 9, para. 008.02A or 008.02B.
Storage facilities for blasting caps in quantities of 100 or less shall have sides, bottoms, and covers constructed of number 12-gauge metal and lined with a non-sparking material. Hinges and hasps shall be attached by welding. One five-tumbler padlock, having at least 3/8-inch shackle diameter is determined to meet the necessary requirements.
272 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 9, § 008