All bids or proposals must conform to the specifications indicated by the Division. Bids or proposals which do not conform to the specifications may be rejected. The Division reserves the right to waive deficiencies in the bids or proposals if in the judgement of the Division the best interests of the lottery would be served by the waiver.
All bids or proposals must be submitted by the bidder in sufficient time to physically reach the Division prior to the date and time set for submission established by the Division.
Bids or proposals may be modified or withdrawn prior to the time and date set for submission. Modifications or withdrawals shall be in writing and delivered in a sealed envelope which properly identifies the correct bid or proposal to be modified or withdrawn. A bid or proposal may be withdrawn after the opening only with the approval of the Division if the Division finds that an honest error was made by the bidder which would cause undue financial hardship to the bidder and which would not cause undue financial hardship or inconvenience to the Division.
370 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 300, § 303