316 Neb. Admin. Code, 35, § 210

Current through September 17, 2024
Section 316-35-210 - CONDUCT OF THE GAME
210.01 No bingo occasion, except for a limited period bingo occasion, shall last for longer than six consecutive hours. A bingo occasion begins when the first number for the first bingo game is called, or when the first gaming activity starts, whichever comes first, and ends when the last number for the last game is called. A bingo occasion shall not begin without the presence of:
210.01A In the case of a Class I licensee, the bingo chairperson or alternate bingo chairperson; or
210.01B In the case of a Class II licensee, the gaming manager or, in an emergency situation only, the bingo chairperson or alternate bingo chairperson.
210.02 A licensed organization may adopt "House Rules" regarding the conduct of bingo provided such rules are consistent with the provisions of the Nebraska Bingo Act and all rules and regulations adopted and promulgated pursuant to the Act. All "House Rules" shall be conspicuously posted at the location in the premises where bingo cards are sold, a nd announced to all players prior to the start of the first game.
210.03 A licensed organization may charge an admission fee for entry to the bingo occasion and, upon payment of that fee, the player shall be furnished with a regular bingo card. The licensed organization may accept cash, checks, bank credit or debit cards, or in - kind payments, as defined in Regulation 35 - 200.13, to satisfy the admission fee. The fair market value of in - kind payments accepted for an admission fee shall be included in determining the gross receipts for the bingo occasion.
210.04 Bingo cards must be sold and paid for prior to the start of a specified game or specified number of games when they are progressive. Cards may not be sold for a game in progress after the first number of that game is called.
210.05 No player may play or have in his or her possession more bingo cards than the number for which payment was made. This regulation shall not prohibit a player from sharing purchased cards with another individual; how ever, no one other than a licensed manufacturer or distributor shall be permitted to cut or alter a disposable paper bingo card packet.
210.06 The particular arrangement of numbers or "pattern" required to be covered in order to win a bingo game must b e clearly described and announced to the players immediately before each game begins.
210.07 Only the following methods of bingo ball selection are permitted:
210.07A An electrically operated blower machine containing balls which the operator may take from the air one at a time while the blower is in operation, or which provides a trap or other mechanical means for automatically catching not more than one ball at a time while the blower is in operation; or
210.07B A mechanically or manually operated cage which provides a trap or other mechanical means for automatically catching not more than one ball at a time while the cage is in operation.
210.08 Immediately following the drawing of each ball, the caller shall display the letter and number of the ball to the players in that room. If an electrically operated blower machine is used, the letter and number displayed must be visible to the majority of players at all times.
210.08A If more than one room is used to conduct bingo, the bingo caller and the ball selection device must be located in the room where the greatest number of players are present.
210.08B Each Class II bingo licensee must utilize a video camera to monitor the bingo ball selection. The video camera must be focused on the throat or trap of the bingo ball selection device and must clearly display, on a monitor for player viewing, each individual bingo ball as it is selected. If bingo players are seated in more than one room, a display monitor must be located in each room so that all players are able to clearly view the bingo ball selection.
210.09 The letter and number of the ball selected must be called out prior to the selection of the next ball. Once a ball has been selected, it may not be returned to the receptacle until after the conclusion of the game or series of games, if progressive.
210.09A A "House Rule" requiring that the caller must always call the letter and number if a ball is removed from the receptacle is not permissible. If nothing has been called or only the letter preceding the number has been called and "bingo" is claimed, the caller must not continue. If the caller calls the number or any portion of the number and "bingo" is claimed, the caller must continue to call the number in its entirety and the b all drawn does count towards the determination of winners.
210.09B If a player declares a bingo and a ball has been selected and removed from the receptacle, it must be the next ball to be called in the event the declared winning bingo is not valid or i n the event that the game is progressive.
210.10 In the case of a Class II bingo licensee, after the letter and number are called, the corresponding letter and number must be displayed for player viewing on a flash or display board; however, the number and letter lit is not necessarily official. Bingo caller errors in announcing the letter and/or number are correctable. A "House Rule" to the contrary is not permissible.
210.10A The use of a flash or display board by a Class I bingo licensee is optional.
210.11 A winner is determined when the specified pattern of called letters and numbers appears on a bingo card. A "House Rule" requiring that a player must obtain "bingo" on the last number called is permissible provided that this rule is clearly posted for all players to see and announced just before the first game begins.
210.12 Immediately upon a player declaring "bingo", the winning card numbers must be stated aloud by a bingo worker. The winning card must be verified by a bingo worker and at least one neutral player unless an electronic bingo verifier system is used.
210.12A In the case of a Class II licensee, the bingo worker shall also check the winning player's receipt to verify that the player paid for the bingo cards in his or her possession.
210.13 After a winner has been verified, any player may call for a verification of all balls not selected. This verification shall be made in the immediate presence of a gaming manager, bingo chairperson or alternate chairperson, and at least one neutral player.
210.14 Once a winner has been verified, the bingo caller shall ask if there are any other "bingos" and, upon receiving no affirmative response, declare the game closed. Once the game has been declared closed, the licensed organization is not responsible for paying any further prizes for the closed game.
210.15 The winning player or players shall receive the designated prize upon verification of the win. If multiple wins occur on a particular game, the game prize is to be apportioned between all players having a verified "bingo". Each licensed organization must establish a "House Rule" regarding its policy for the payment of multiple winners, using one of the following methods:
210.15A The prize is to be equally apportioned based upon the number of players having one or more valid bingos, so that an individual with two winning cards would not receive more of the prize than an individual with only one winning card; or
210.15B The prize is to be equally apportioned based upon the number of winning bingo cards, so that a player with two winning cards would receive double the amount of a player with only one winning card.
210.16 Progressive bingo games in which the winning combination or pattern progresses in difficulty are permissible. For example, a progressive bingo game may consist of a single bingo, double bingo, frame, and fill, all played on the same card.
210.16A For purposes of determining compliance with the prize limitations for a single game, each portion of the progressive game shall be considered a single bingo game, even though the balls are not returned to the receptacle after a winner has been determined and verified.

316 Neb. Admin. Code, 35, § 210

Sections 9 - 202, 9 - 204.02, 9 - 209, 9 - 209.01, 9 - 210, 9 - 214, 9 - 214.01, 9 - 226, 9 - 241.02, 9 - 2 41.09, 9 - 241.10, 9 - 255, and 9 - 255.02, R.R.S. 1997. March 10, 2002.