Section 297-2-002 - Rule Making Petition002.01 PetitionAny person may petition the Nebraska Real Estate Appraiser Board requesting the promulgation, amendment, or repeal of a rule or regulation.
002.02 FormThe petition shall:
002.02A. Be clearly designated as a petition for a rules change;002.02B. In the case of a proposed new rule or amendment of an existing rule, shall set forth the desired rule in its entirety;002.02C. In the case of a petition for the repeal of an existing rule, such shall be stated and the rule proposed to be repealed shall either be set forth in full or shall be referred to by Nebraska Real Estate Appraiser Board rule number;002.02D. Describe the reason for the rules change002.02E. Include an address and telephone where the petitioner can be reached during regular work hours; and002.02F. Be signed by: 002.02F(1) . The petitioner or his or her attorney in which case the attorney shall also state his or her address and telephone number;002.02F(2) . A duly authorized officer of the petitioner, if petitioner is a corporation or other legal entity.297 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 2, § 002