Section 296-6.001 - RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SURVEILLANCE DEPARTMENT6.001.01 Each Authorized Gaming Operator must maintain and make available to the Commission the following items: 6.001.01A An electronic floor plan that shows the placement of all surveillance equipment in and around the Gaming Facility and all gaming equipment on the gaming floor;6.001.01B A detailed description of all surveillance system components;6.001.01C The procedures utilized for operation of the surveillance department;6.001.01D Staffing plans;6.001.01E Plans for monitoring detention rooms, which will include audio capability;6.001.01F A list of personnel authorized to access the casino surveillance room;6.001.01G A list of persons or positions authorized by the director of surveillance to access the surveillance viewing room.6.001.01H The surveillance retention schedule, evidencing that all cameras are set for a retention period pursuant to this chapter; and6.001.01I Any information related to the operation of the surveillance department as requested by the Executive Director.6.001.02 The surveillance department must receive and monitor open-door alerts for all gaming devices.6.001.03 Surveillance system modifications and upgrades will be submitted to the Executive Director for approval.6.001.04 At any time and without notice, the Authorized Gaming Operator's surveillance system will be subject to audit or other testing by the Commission.6.001.05 Surveillance employees will only perform tasks during their employment that further the purpose of the surveillance operation.6.001.06 The Authorized Gaming Operator may not divert surveillance resources or surveillance employees from their intended surveillance purposes or functions without the permission of the Executive Director.6.001.07 Surveillance employees are not permitted to transfer to gaming-related positions within the casino prior to one year after leaving the surveillance department, unless otherwise approved by the Commission.6.001.08 All surveillance employees must be employees of the Authorized Gaming Operator.296 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 6, § 296-6.001
Adopted effective 5/16/2022Amended effective 2/1/2023