294 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 13, § 294-13.001

Current through September 17, 2024
Section 294-13.001 - RACING OFFICIALS
13.001.01 At least thirty (30) days prior to the first day of a race meeting, the Association shall submit in writing to the Racing Commission the names of all racing officials engaged for the meeting, and no racing official shall be qualified to act until they have been approved and licensed by the Racing Commission. In the event of incapacitation of any such approved racing official the Association may, with the approval of the Racing Commission, appoint a substitute. (See Chapter 3.001.03)
13.001.02 Any official or any other person who accepts conditions of employment with an association in this State and is licensed by the Nebraska State Racing Commission, who leaves such employment while a race meeting is in progress, without first obtaining permission from the association and the Nebraska State Racing Commission shall be subject to suspension.
13.001.03 The officials of a race meeting are as follows: three (3) stewards, to be known as the board of stewards, one of which will be the state steward; three (3) placing judges; one gate judge; clerk of scales; starter; handicappers; timers; paddock judges; identifier; veterinarian; racing secretary; mutuel manager and custodian of the jockey room. A patrol judge(s) or assistant officials may also be employed.
13.001.04A No person shall be considered for approval by the Commission, as an official, unless such person is a professional racing official with a reputation of good character and ability or has indicated a desire to become a professional racing official and is in possession of sufficient experience and/or has a special aptitude for such a position.
13.001.04B Except as provided for in this rule, the board of stewards at each race meet shall include stewards who have been fully accredited by the Racing Commissioners International, which shall include no less than:
a) one accredited stewards by December 31, 1994
b) two ..................... by December 31, 1995
c) all ..................... by December 31, 1996

A temporary exception to these requirements may be approved by the commission in cases of extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances. An acceptable plan for meeting the requirements concerning steward accreditation must be approved by the commission concurrent with any approval of a temporary exception.

This shall not preclude appointment of deputy stewards pursuant to rules 13.011.12 through 13.011.19 nor shall it require such deputies to be fully accredited by Racing Commissioners International.

13.001.05 One (1) of the stewards for each race meeting shall be named by the Nebraska State Racing Commission.
13.001.06 No association shall employ or accept the services of any person as an official or in any other capacity who is the owner, trainer of, or who has any financial interest in horses registered for racing at their race meeting. (See Chapter 2.001.14) (See Statute 2-1220.)
13.001.07 No one interested in the result of a race, either because of ownership of any horse entered, or of his sire or dam, or because of bets or otherwise, shall act as a racing official in respect to that race. (See Statute 2-1220.)
13.001.08 No such racing official or assistants shall wager money or any other chattel of value on the result of any race at the meeting.
13.001.09 No such racing official or assistants shall accept, directly or indirectly, any gratuity, reward or favor in connection with racing at the meeting.
13.001.10 No such racing official or assistants shall at the meeting, directly or indirectly buy or sell any contract upon any jockey or apprentice jockey.
13.001.11 No such racing official or assistants shall write or solicit horse insurance at the meeting.
13.001.11A It shall be the duty of the state steward to adjust the number of valets and check with the mutuel manager, to make certain post parades and regular programs run on time or as close as deemed practical.
13.001.12 Each racing official and assistants shall report to the stewards all observed violations of the rules.

294 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 13, § 294-13.001

Amended effective 9/24/2020