70 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 15, § 005

Current through September 17, 2024
Section 70-15-005 - Petitions for the Use of a Negotiated Rulemaking Committee

Any person may petition an agency to request the use of a negotiated rulemaking committee in the development or revision of a rule, as provided below.

005.01 A negotiated rulemaking process may be requested on any topic appropriate for a rule or regulation by the agency.
005.01A A negotiated rulemaking process may be requested only to develop or revise rules which carry out statutes that are within the authority of the agency to implement.
005.01B A negotiated rulemaking process may not be requested to develop a rule or regulation to vary or change the specific terms of a statute.
005.01C A negotiated rulemaking process may not be requested to negotiate a rule on a matter which is not within the definition of a rule or regulation as set forth in subsection 002.11 above.
005.02 A request for the use of a negotiated rulemaking procedure shall be made by a petition that meets the requirements of form set out in this subsection. In the event that it does not, the agency may refuse to accept it.
005.02A A petition may be in the form of a pleading that contains a caption, heading, and name as set forth on Attachment 1.
005.02B A petition may be made in the form of a letter so long as the letter contains all of the information required by these regulations and is clearly delineated as a petition for negotiated rulemaking.
005.02C All petitions must be on white, letter-sized paper ( 8-1 /2" x 11") of standard weight.
005.02C All petitions must be on white, letter-sized paper ( 8-1 /2" x 11") of standard weight.
005.02D Petitions must be legible, and may be typewritten, photostatically reproduced, printed, or handwritten. If handwritten, petitions must be in ink. Only one side of a page of a petition shall contain any writing.
005.02E Any documents that are intended to accompany a petition shall be securely fastened, clearly marked as attachments to the petition, and meet the other requirements of this section as to size, print and legibility.
005.03 A petition for a negotiated rulemaking procedure shall meet the following -requirements for content and substance. In the event that it does not, the agency may refuse to accept it.
005.03A The petition must identify the general subject matter about which the negotiated rulemaking procedure is requested, including the statutes or legislative bill(s) which provide authority for the desired regulation, and, if amendments to existing regulations are sought, identification of the regulations by title, chapter and name.
005.03B The petition must identify the specific issue(s) proposed for inclusion in the negotiated rulemaking process.
005.03C The petition must discuss the facts surrounding each problem or issue proposed for inclusion in the negotiated rulemaking process.
005.03D The petition must discuss why a negotiated rulemaking process is in the public interest, including information on each of the criteria set out in subsections 003.01 through 003.05 above. The petition may also include information on the criteria included in subsections 003.06 and 003.07 above, to the extent such information is available to the petitioner. The petitioner may also submit such other information as may assist the agency in making a decision.
005.03E The petition must identify persons who will be significantly affected by any rule which might result from the proposed negotiated rulemaking process, to the extent known by the petitioner. The petitioner may also suggest the names of persons who are willing and qualified to represent the interests that will be significantly affected by the negotiated rulemaking process and the proposed rule.
005.04 A petition for a negotiated rulemaking process shall be filed with the agency director. Filing may be made by personal delivery during regular agency office hours or by mail.
005.05 Upon the filing of a petition for a negotiated rulemaking procedure, the agency director may designate an agency employee or use the services of a convenor to recommend to the agency director whether a negotiated rulemaking process should be initiated.
005.06 Within 60 days after submission of a petition for a negotiated rulemaking procedure, the agency shall:
005.06A Deny the petition in writing, stating the reason(s) for the denial; or
005.06B Initiate the negotiated rulemaking process as provided in these rules.
005.07 The decision of the agency with respect to a petition for a negotiated rulemaking procedure may be made in the form of a pleading or a letter clearly designated as the decision on the petition. The petitioner shall be served with a copy of the agency's final decision by certified mail, return receipt requested.
005.08 A decision by the agency with respect to a petition for a negotiated rulemaking procedure is not subject to judicial review, although nothing herein shall bar a judicial review if such is otherwise provided by law.

70 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 15, § 005