If applications are not found to meet the above criteria, they will be processed under the non-expedited process described in 46-291 R.R.S. 1943, as amended, and Department Rule Title 457, Chapter 9, subsection 002.
Review An application that is incomplete or incorrect shall be returned to the applicant for correction. The corrected application must be refiled in the Department within 90 days of the date it is returned to the applicant. Failure to return the corrected application within 90 days shall cause the application for expedited transfer to be dismissed.
If the applicant fails to take any of the above three actions, the application shall be considered dismissed without any further action of the Department.
If the decision was issued at the conclusion of a hearing, parties to the hearing may request a rehearing as described in the Department Rule Title 454, Chapter 11 or may appeal to the Nebraska Court of Appeals as described in 61-207 R.R.S. 1943, as amended. Parties should not assume that filing a request for rehearing extends the deadline for appeal to the Court of Appeals. If the decision was based on the application, without a hearing, interested persons may request a hearing as described in the Department's Rules of Practice and Procedure, Title 454, Chapter 9.
457 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 9, § 001