In the event that the most appropriate solution to the needs addressed by the act requires the eligible projects or practices to be located on or across the property lines of different landowners, and when such landowners desire to jointly install, operate, and maintain such needed projects or practices, state cost-share funds may be used to share the cost when the following additional provisions have been satisfied.
007.01 A group planning agreement prepared by or on behalf of landowners must be signed and submitted by the landowners involved and approved by the board;007.02 If the proposed projects or practices are approved by the board, the landowners shall arrange for carrying out the projects or practices by securing and recording any easements which are necessary and by agreeing to a division of the costs and cost-share payments;007.03 One member of the group shall be designated as the group representative to file the application for cost-share assistance, such application to be accompanied by a written statement describing the arrangements agreed to under Subsection 007.02 above;007.04 The group representative shall make arrangements to have the project or practice installed, make payments and obtain receipts from vendors;007.05 The group representative shall submit the claim for payment, supported as otherwise required by these rules and regulations;007.06 Payment will be made to the group representative;007.07 The division of cost-share assistance provided will be made by the group representative in the manner indicated in the agreement previously reached among the members of the group;007.08 A cost-share assistance agreement must be signed by each member of the group on whose land a portion of the project or practice has been installed;007.09 When two or more landowners intend to participate financially in the installation of a project or practice located wholly on the property of one landowner, the procedures outlined in this section may be used but are not required.262 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 3, § 007