A proposal is financially feasible if sufficient funds can be made available to complete the proposal, and If sufficient annual revenues can be obtained to repay the reimbursable costs and to operate, maintain, and replace the proposal. When an applicant has partners or co-sponsors on a project, a signed letter of commitment, or an agreement from each such partner or co-sponsor must be submitted with the application in order to demonstrate capability to complete a project. The proposal will identify the amount and source of federal, state, local and/or other funding from the applicant and each partner or cosponsor, if any, so that eligibility for funding can be determined. When a loan is involved, financial feasibility requires assurance that the proposals can be adequately operated, maintained, and replaced and that the loan can be repaid during the repayment life of the proposal.
If a loan is requested, applicant must also supply a complete year-by-year repayment schedule in such detail as directed by the Director.
261 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 2, § 006