Current through September 17, 2024
Section 79-5-005 - General The following standards must be met to qualify for certification as a law enforcement officer in Nebraska.
005.01 Testing 005.01A Definitions 005.01A(1) Unit Test - A cognitive test that is administered over one or more course subjects.005.01A(2) Performance Test - A test of a student's ability to perform specific tasks or skills at an established level of competency.005.01A(3) Comprehensive Test - A test that is comprehensive in nature and requires the student to recall knowledge and or perform tasks that were previously learned and upon which the student was previously tested or required to demonstrate proficiency.005.01B Students are required to achieve a minimum of seventy percent (70%) on all unit and comprehensive tests and a passing score on all performance tests.005.01C Students failing to achieve a passing score on a test shall retake a test covering the tested materials or skills.005.01D A student shall be separated from training if the student fails to pass a retake test except as provided for in a Council approved training-recycling program. A student is allowed to participate in only one skill area training-recycling program.005.01E A student shall retake no more than two failed unit tests and must pass the tests on such retakes. Any retake must occur within one training week. Exceptions to the one-week requirement can be made only for good cause. The failure of a third unit test regardless of successful retakes on the previous two unit tests shall result in a student being separated from training for failure to perform academically.005.01F Students shall be permitted one opportunity to retake a comprehensive test. Failure to achieve a minimum score of 70% on a comprehensive retake test shall result in the student being separated from training.005.02 Separation from Training 005.02A Students shall be immediately notified of their failure of any test and the impact it has upon their status as a student. When applicable, the head of the hiring agency or his/her representative will be immediately notified of a student's failure of a unit test, performance test, or comprehensive test and informed of the impact upon the student's status.005.02B A student shall be found to be in bad standing and not eligible for Law Enforcement Improvement Fund dollars to pay for training when separated from training for unsatisfactory performance as presented in this chapter.005.03 Recycling Programs 005.03A Students have limited opportunity for remediation and practice skills of which they are required to pass performance tests due to limited practice facilities, limited instructors, and the liability involved with the skills training. The Council may establish a training-recycling program for law enforcement basic certification students in specific skills that are subject to performance tests. The Council may approve guidelines to permit a training-recycling program in the following skills areas: 3. Law Enforcement Driving Skills4. Emergency Vehicle Operations Skills005.03B Academies affiliated with an agency may choose whether or not to implement training-recycling programs when training their agency specific employees.005.04 Attendance005.04A Attendance in scheduled classes and training is mandatory.005.04B Unexcused absences may be grounds for dismissal from the training program.005.04C Students who experience excused absenteeism must make up the time missed from training by: 005.04C(1) Absence from classroom training - making up the classes through independent or group student and meeting the testing requirements in this chapter.005.04C(2) Students who experience excused absenteeism in excess of forty (40) hours of classroom training will be separated from training for excessive absenteeism unless the training can be timely completed through NLETC web-based training programs.005.04C(3) Absence from practical training - in instances where the student is unable to participate in a skills subject area because of injury or missing required classes identified in the course curriculum, the student will be required to attend classes previously missed in the next basic training session and meeting the testing requirements in this chapter.79 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 5, § 005