007.01(H) Making any representation, or using any device, title, descriptive name or identifier that has the tendency or capacity to confuse or mislead a service member into believing that the insurer, insurance producer or product offered is affiliated, connected or associated with, endorsed, sponsored, sanctioned or recommended by the U.S. Government, the USAF. any state or federal agency or government entity. Examples of improper insurance producer titles include , "Battalion Insurance Counselor," "Unit Insurance Advisor," "Servicemen's Group Life Insurance Conversion Consultant" or "Veteran's Benefits Counselor." Nothing herein may shall be construed to prohibit a person from using a professional designation awarded after the successful completion of a course of instruction in the business of insurance by an-accredited institutions or organizations . Some such designations include, Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU), Chartered Financial Consultant (CFC), Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Master of Science la-Financial Services (MSFS), or Masters of Science Financial Planning (MS).