404 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 3, § 001

Current through September 17, 2024

The Department authorizes funding for services to individuals determined to be eligible as set forth in 404 NAC.

001.01 The following apply to developmental disabilities services, regardless of whether the services are funded by state general funds or Medicaid waiver funds.
001.01(A)FAMILY MEMBERS. The Department will not pay a legally responsible adult to provide developmental disabilities services. A legally responsible adult is a person who has a legal obligation under the provision of state law to care for another individual including a parent (natural or adoptive) of a minor child, a spouse, or legal guardian.
001.01(B)EDUCATIONAL SERVICES. No service that is the responsibility of the school system will be authorized as a developmental disabilities service. The Department will not authorize developmental disabilities services for the hours the child is attending school or in a vocational rehabilitation program. Regular school hours and days apply for a child who receives home schooling.
001.02ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES SERVICES. To be eligible for funding under the Developmental Disabilities Services Act, the individual must:
(1) Be a citizen of the United States of America, or a qualified alien lawfully present in the United States and comply with all requirements set forth in 4 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes pertaining to alien eligibility for public benefits;
(2) Be a legal resident of the State of Nebraska; and
(3) Have a developmental disability as defined in the Nebraska Developmental Disabilities Services Act and any applicable definitions contained in this Title.
001.02(A) All individuals eligible for funding for specialized services under the Developmental Disabilities Services Act must apply for and accept any federal Medicaid benefits for which they may be eligible and benefits from other funding sources within the Department; the Department of Education, specifically including the Division of Rehabilitation Services; and other agencies to the maximum extent possible.
001.03ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION. A determination of eligibility is made without regard to whether the Department has sufficient funds to provide or obtain needed services for the individual.
001.04STATEWIDE DATA REGISTRY. All individuals who have been determined eligible for developmental disabilities services are included in the statewide data registry. The Department will use the statewide data registry to:
(1) Track the specialized service and support needs of persons with developmental disabilities;
(2) Plan for future specialized support and service needs of persons with developmental disabilities; and
(3) Budget for future specialized support and service needs of persons with developmental disabilities. Information in the registry is considered confidential and will not be released without proper authorization as provided by law.
001.04(A) Information for each eligible individual listed in the data registry system may include:
(i) Demographics;
(ii) Individual diagnosis;
(iii) Eligibility factors;
(iv) Financial information;
(v) Family and legal representative information; and
(vi) The objectively assessed needs for specialized supports and services, specifying amount and type.
001.05DETERMINATION OF ELIGIBILITY. The Department determines eligibility for developmental disabilities services and notifies the individual in writing.
001.05(A)REASONS FOR INELIGIBILITY. An individual is ineligible if:
(i) The individual does not meet the criteria set forth in this Title; or
(ii) The individual or persons acting on his or her behalf have not supplied needed information. Upon supplying this information, eligibility will be determined.
001.05(B)SERVICE COORDINATION. Upon request, service coordination is provided to all eligible individuals when all statutory and regulatory requirements are fulfilled. Acceptance of service coordination is required to receive other developmental disabilities services.
001.06AUTHORIZATION OF FUNDS FOR DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES SERVICES. Funding for developmental disabilities services with State General Funds other than service coordination is authorized for eligible individuals contingent upon legislative appropriations and availability of funds.
001.06(A) The amount of funding for any person receiving services is determined using an objective assessment process (OAP).
001.06(B) Specialized services for an individual is authorized according to the individual's objective assessment.
001.06(C) The Department will authorize funding for services only when services and supports are not being provided through other available sources.

404 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 3, § 001

Amended effective 11/19/2022