181 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 2, § 005

Current through September 17, 2024
Section 181-2-005 - PHYSICIAN DUTIES
005.01SPECIMEN COLLECTION. For all live births, the newborn's physician must cause the collection for testing of a newborn screening specimen for inherited and congenital infant-or childhood-on-set diseases between 24 to 48 hours of age or immediately prior to the newborn's discharge, whichever occurs first.
005.01(A)PRIOR TO 24 HOURS OF AGE. If the initial specimen for any infant is collected prior to 24 hours of age, the newborn's physician or designee must collect or cause to be
005.01(B)SICK, LOW BIRTH WEIGHT, OR PREMATURE INFANTS. Newborns transferred to neonatal intensive care units (NICU) must have a specimen collected prior to transfer, and information communicated as required in this chapter at. The attending physician at the hospital neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) must verify and otherwise ensure a specimen is collected prior to the provision of any treatment, excluding respiratory treatment. The specimen may be collected prior to 24 hours of age. If the first specimen is collected at less than 24 hours of age, or if the newborn was less than 2000 grams at birth, a repeat specimen must be collected at 48-72 hours of age. A third specimen must be collected at 28 days of life or upon discharge, whichever occurs first, on all infants less than 2000 grams at birth, or who had any prior abnormal screen result.
005.01(C)BLOOD TRANSFUSION. If a newborn requires a blood transfusion, even if prior to 24 hours of age, the specimen must be collected before the blood transfusion.
005.01(C)(i)SPECIMEN COLLECTION ASSURANCE AND TIMING PRIOR TO BLOOD TRANSFUSION. The specimen should be collected at the time blood is collected for the typing and cross match prior to transfusion unless a dried blood spot specimen was verified to have been collected prior to the typing and cross match. The newborn's physician or designee must collect or cause to be collected a repeat specimen by 48-72 hours of age if the pre-transfusion specimen was collected at less than 24 hours of age, regardless of prior test results.
005.01(D)NO SPECIMEN COLLECTED. Upon notification by the hospital that a newborn was discharged before a screening sample was collected, the newborn's physician or designee must collect, or cause to be collected, a screening specimen within 48 hours of parental notification.
005.01(E)(i)BEFORE 24 HOURS OF AGE. The physician at the hospital of birth must collect, or cause to be collected, a blood specimen immediately prior to discharge for testing for inherited and congenital infant-or childhood-on-set diseases if the newborn is transferred to another hospital, either in- or out-of-state, even if this occurs before the infant is 24 hours of age. If the specimen is collected at less than 24 hours of age, the physician or designee at the hospital of birth must document and inform the receiving physician that a specimen for testing for such diseases was collected prior to 24 hours of age and notify the receiving physician that another specimen must be collected between 48 and 72 hours of age.
005.01(E)(ii)AFTER 24 HOURS OF AGE. The physician at the hospital of birth must collect or cause to be collected a blood specimen for testing for inherited and congenital infant-or childhood-on-set diseases from any newborn being transferred to another hospital after the newborn is 24 hours of age and notify the physician upon transfer that a blood specimen for such diseases has been collected. The transferring physician must immediately notify the receiving physician if the specimen needs to be repeated, or if confirmatory testing is required.
005.01(E)(iii)TRANSFER FORMS. All physicians, or the physician's designee, transferring newborns to another hospital must notify the receiving physician in writing of the following information and fax or secure email a copy of the written information to the Nebraska Newborn Screening Program (NNSP) within 24 hours:
(1) Date of transfer;
(2) Person completing form or other written notification;
(3) Hospital of birth;
(4) Infant's name;
(5) Date and time of birth;
(6) Date and time of specimen collection;
(7) Transferring physician;
(8) Whether the newborn screening specimen was or was not collected at the hospital of birth;
(9) Whether the newborn screening specimen was or was not collected prior to 24 hours of age;
(10) Whether the newborn was transfused, and if so, whether the specimen was collected prior to transfusion;
(11) The type and time of transfusion if the specimen was collected post-transfusion;
(12) If the tests have not been performed and an initial specimen needs to be collected;
(13) If the specimen was collected prior to 24 hours, or following transfusion, and a repeat specimen needs to be collected;
(14) Receiving hospital; and
(15) Receiving physician, if known.
005.01(E)(iv)USE OF TRANSFER FORMS TO NOTIFY RECEIVING PHYSICIAN. The transfer form, approved by the Department, may be used to notify the receiving physician, and is included as a convenience for the transferring physician.
005.02UNSATISFACTORY SPECIMEN. Upon receiving notice from the testing laboratory that a specimen is unsatisfactory, the newborn's physician or designee must collect, or cause to be collected, a repeat specimen within 48 hours of parental notification.
005.03SCREENING TEST RESULTS RECEIVED. Once the physician receives the results of the newborn screening tests, the physician or designee must place, or cause to be placed, the results in the newborn's patient record.
005.04PRESUMPTIVE POSITIVE SCREENING TEST RESULT. The newborn's physician or designee must obtain a specimen for repeat or confirmatory testing from the newborn within 48 hours after notification by the testing laboratory of any presumptive positive screening result including out of range, inconclusive, or abnormal interpretations. Repeat dried blood spot specimens must be submitted to the newborn screening laboratory that tested the initial specimen in accordance with approved protocols for follow-up. Confirmatory tests must be ordered, and confirmatory specimens sent in accordance with approved protocols only to laboratories meeting standards established by the Department.
005.05REASONABLE ATTEMPT. The physician or designee must make a reasonable attempt to cause the collection of a repeat or confirmatory specimen as appropriate to the situation whenever the initial specimen was collected at less than 24 hours or after a transfusion; is determined to be unacceptable for testing for any condition on the screening panel; results of any screening test are out of range, presumptive positive, inconclusive, or abnormal; or if an infant is found to have been discharged without the screen. A reasonable attempt means that the physician or designee must:
(i) Immediately notify the parent, guardian, or custodian by telephone, if possible, and in writing;
(ii) If there has been no response within 5 days, notify the parent, guardian, or custodian in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, or equivalent; and
(iii) If there has been no response within 10 days of first notification, notify the Nebraska Newborn Screening Program (NNSP) in writing that obtaining the specimen was not accomplished.
005.05(A)ENFORCEMENT. In the event that a parent fails to respond to notification, the physician must assure that such steps are taken as indicated in this chapter and Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-524.
005.06PATIENT EDUCATION. The physician or an individual to whom the physician has delegated authority, must:
005.06(A)PHYSICIAN OR PHYSICIAN DELIGATE MUST PROVIDE EDUCATION REGARDING REQUIRED NEWBORN SCREENING. Physician or physician delegate must provide information to the newborn's parent or legal guardian in accordance with Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-519(7). There is no provision for dissent from, or refusal of, the required newborn screening tests specified in this chapter.

181 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 2, § 005

Amended effective 9/21/2020
Amended effective 9/17/2024