180 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 14, § 010

Current through September 17, 2024
010.01SEALED SOURCE USE. A licensee may use a sealed source for use in well logging application if the sealed source:
(A) Is doubly encapsulated;
(B) Contains radioactive material whose chemical and physical forms are as insoluble and nondispersible as practical; and
(C) Meets the requirements in 180 NAC 14-010.02, 010.03, or 010.04.
010.02SEALED SOURCES MANUFACTURED ON OR BEFORE JULY 14, 1989. For a sealed source manufactured on or before July 14, 1989, a licensee may use the sealed source for use in well logging applications if it meets the requirements of USASI N5.10-1968, "Classification of Sealed Radioactive Sources", or the requirements in 180 NAC 14-010.03 and 010.04.
010.03SEALED SOURCES MANUFACTURED AFTER JULY 14, 1989. For a sealed source manufactured after July 14, 1989, a licensee may use the sealed source for use in well logging applications if it meets the oil-well logging requirements of ANSI/HPS N43.6-1997, "Sealed Radioactive Sources - Classification."
010.04ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SEALED SOURCES MANUFACTURED AFTER JULY 14, 1989. For a sealed source manufactured after July 14, 1989, a licensee may use the sealed source for use in well logging applications, if:
(A) The sealed source's prototype has been tested and found to maintain its integrity after each of the following tests:
(i) Temperature. The test source must be held at -40°Celsius (-40°Fahrenheit) for 20 minutes, 600°Celsius (1112°Fahrenheit) for 1 hour, and then be subject to a thermal shock test with a temperature drop from 600°Celsius (1112°Fahrenheit) to 20°Celsius (68°Fahrenheit) within 15 seconds
(ii) Impact test. A 5 kilogram steel hammer, 2.5 centimeters in diameter, must be dropped from a height of 1 meter onto the test source.
(iii) Vibration test. The test source must be subject to a vibration from 25 hertz to 500 hertz at 5 G amplitude for 30 minutes.
(iv) Puncture test. A 1 gram hammer and pin, 0+.3 centimeters pin diameter, must be dropped from a height of 1 meter onto the test source.
(v) Pressure test. The test source must be subjected to an external pressure of 1. 695E+7 pascals (24,600 pounds per square inch absolute).
010.05EXEMPTIONS. The requirements in 180 NAC 14-010.01 through 14-010.04 do not apply to sealed sources that contain radioactive material in gaseous form.
010.06ENERGY COMPENSATION SOURCE EXEMPTIONS. The requirements in 180 NAC 14-010.01, 010.02, 010.03 and 010.04 do not apply to ECS. ECSs must be registered with the NRC under 10 CFR 32.210 or with an Agreement State.

180 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 14, § 010

Amended effective 6/26/2021
Amended effective 6/14/2023