179 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 17, § 003

Current through September 17, 2024

In addition to the requirements of 179 NAC 13-004, a public water system using groundwater under the direct influence of surface water, subject to the requirements of this chapter that does not provide filtration must meet all of the conditions of 179 NAC 17-003.01 and 17-003.02.

003.01 Site-Specific Conditions

In addition to site-specific conditions in 179 NAC 13-004.02, systems must maintain a wellhead protection program under 179 NAC 13-004.02B to minimize the potential for contamination by Cryptosporidium oocysts in the source water. The wellhead protection program must, for Cryptosporidium:

1. Identify wellhead protection area characteristics and activities which may have an adverse effect on source water quality, and
2. Monitor the occurrence of activities which may have an adverse effect on source water quality.
003.02 During the onsite inspection conducted under the provisions of 179 NAC 13-004.02C, the Department will determine whether the wellhead protection program established under 179 NAC 13-004.02B is adequate to limit potential contamination by Cryptosporidium oocysts. The adequacy of the program must be based on the comprehensiveness of the wellhead protection review; the effectiveness of the system's program to monitor and control detrimental activities occurring in the wellhead protection area; and the extent to which the water system has maximized land ownership and/or controlled land use within the wellhead protection area.

179 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 17, § 003