A licensed or waivered business entity or licensed individual must not demolish a structure containing friable asbestos containing material or other asbestos which may become friable when cut, crushed, ground, abraded, pulverized, or burned until such material has been removed from the structure. To remove asbestos containing material from a structure scheduled to be demolished, the licensed or waivered business entity or licensed individual must comply with the following unless other applicable work practices set out in this chapter are followed:
(A) Establish general security and management work practices in accordance with 178 NAC 22-010;(B) Seal airtight each window, door and other direct opening between the work area from which asbestos containing material is to be removed and other areas of the structure which are not to be demolished. Use and securely fasten plastic sheeting not less than 6 mil thick;(C) Install a control curtain In the entryway designated for access;(D) Install and operate high efficiency particulate air filter-equipped ventilation fans so that air will be discharged continually from all locations within the work area in accordance with 178 NAC 22-011.01(D) for all projects equal to or greater than 260 linear feet or any combination which is equal to or greater than 160 square feet and linear feet;(E) Construct and operate the following:(i) A change room where clothing can be removed before showering in accord with 178 NAC 22-011.02(D);(ii) A shower room in accord with 178 NAC 22-011.02(E);(iii) A clean room in accord with 178 NAC 22-011.02(F); and(iv) Tools will not be required to be kept in the change room, but tools must be cleaned and free of all visible residue or sealed in 6 mil plastic before removal from the work area in accord with 178 NAC 22-010.03(A);(F) Remove asbestos containing material wet in accordance with the work practices of 178 NAC 22-012;(G) If any non-essential structural item, equipment, or furnishing which is not a part of the asbestos containing material project is to be salvaged, reused or sold in any manner, clean all surfaces with a high efficiency particulate air filter-equipped vacuuming device or by wet cleaning methods and remove from the building prior to asbestos containing material removal;(H) If any non-essential structural item or equipment which is a part of the asbestos containing material project is to be salvaged, reused or sold in any manner, clean all surfaces from which asbestos has been removed free of all visible residue and coat with an effective color-tinted sealing material before removing from the work area;(I) If any essential structural items, such as windows, doors, support columns, etc. are to be removed in order to be salvaged, reused or sold in any manner, remove the item only after final inspection in 178 NAC 22-017.11 has been performed;(J) While the control curtains and airtight seals over windows, doors, and other openings are still in place, clean all visible asbestos containing material debris and residue with a high efficiency particulate air filter-equipped vacuuming device or by wet cleaning methods; and(K) At the conclusion of the project, the licensed or waivered business entity or licensed individual responsible for the project must have a third party who is licensed by the Department as a supervisor, inspector, management planner, project monitor, or project designer, and who is independent of the contractor and selected by the owner or operator of the structure on or in which the asbestos project is conducted examine the work area to determine whether asbestos containing material debris has been removed. The individual who examined the work area must provide, prior to demolition of the building, a written report to both the contractor and the Department setting forth their findings along with their name, address and license number.178 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 22, § 017
Amended effective 9/20/2023