175 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 1, § 009

Current through September 17, 2024

Every building or space utilized for the care and treatment of the consumer must comply with the following:

009.01HOUSEKEEPING. Housekeeping services to protect the health and safety of the consumer in accordance with acceptable standards of practice and manufacturer's instructions must be provided, including the following:
(A) Spaces must be constructed utilizing smooth, washable materials and maintained in a clean condition. Abrasive surfaces may be used to reduce or prevent accidents where wet or slippery surfaces present a hazard;
(B) Equipment, fixtures, furniture and furnishings, including windows, draperies, curtains, flooring, and carpeting must be kept clean and free of contaminants;
(C) All garbage must be disposed of to prevent the attraction of vermin, to minimize odors and the potential transmission of diseases;
(D) Cleaning equipment and supplies must be available; and
(E) Hazardous materials must be secured to prevent accidental or intentional ingestion, inhalation, or consumption by the consumer.
009.02MAINTENANCE. All parts of a facility or service, and all equipment, fixtures and furnishings are to be maintained in good working order and meet the following standards:
(A) Surfaces must be smooth, free of sharp edges, splinters, or potential safety risks;
(B) Doors, stairways, passageways, aisles and other means of exit must be maintained to prevent hazards which might pose a potential safety risk;
(C) Routine and preventative maintenance must be performed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and documentation of maintenance must be maintained;
(D) Sound and lighting levels must be conducive to the care and treatment provided;
(E) Maintenance equipment and supplies must be available; and
(F) Hazardous materials must be secured to prevent accidental or intentional ingestion, inhalation, or consumption by the consumer.
009.03ANIMALS. Any animal at a facility or service, whether owned by the facility, a consumer or a visitor, must not jeopardize consumer health and safety. A licensee that allows animals to be on the premises must implement written policies and procedures to ensure:
(A) Animals are examined annually and have received all vaccinations, as recommended by a licensed veterinarian annually;
(B) Provisions have been implemented to prevent the presence and spread of fleas, ticks and other parasites;
(C) Animals are prohibited from being in food preparation, storage, or serving areas during food preparation and serving times, with the exception of service animals;
(D) Identification of a staff person, identified by job title, who is designated to be responsible for care and supervision of a facility owned animal while the animal is at the facility or service and designated to oversee a non-facility owned animal while the animal is at the facility or service;
(E) Compliance with state, local, or other ordinances regarding animals or specific breeds identified by those laws or ordinances; and
(F) Any animal that has bitten or attacked any person without provocation or has been determined by the local health authority to be dangerous is not allowed in the facility or used by the service.
009.04OTHER SAFETY MEASURES. The licensee must ensure a facility or service maintains the environment in a manner to minimize accidents and to promote safety. This includes:
(A) Prohibiting firearms, weapons, weapon accessories and ammunitions;
(B) Restricting access to mechanical equipment which may pose a danger to the consumer;
(C) Safety outlets must be installed and used for a facility or service that provides care or treatment to consumers under the age of 6; and
(D) Providing water for bathing and hand hygiene at safe temperatures to accommodate the comfort and preferences of the consumer and to prevent the potential of thermal injury.
(i) Water temperatures must not exceed:
(1) 110 degrees Fahrenheit at bathing and therapy fixtures; and
(2) 120 degrees Fahrenheit at hand washing fixtures.
009.05SWIMMING POOLS, THERAPY POOLS AND HOT TUBS. When provided, a licensee must ensure safe operation in accordance with current standards of practice, state and federal law, including:
(A) Designation of a staff member pool operator responsible to oversee operation and maintenance;
(B) Supervision requirements;
(C) Determination of types and numbers of rescue equipment needed in the immediate area;
(D) Method of summoning assistance in the event of an emergency;
(E) Methods to reduce the potential transmission of disease; and
(F) Maintaining documentation of daily and weekly water quality and water temperature checks.

175 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 1, § 009

Adopted effective 3/12/2023