173 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 4, § 005

Current through September 17, 2024
005.01 Each program must review the status of immunization for all children on entry. The immunization status of children under 20 months of age must be reviewed again in March and September to insure compliance with age-specific requirements. Records of children who are 20 months of age or older need not be reviewed again until kindergarten entry except as noted in 173 NAC 4-005.02.
005.02 Parents/guardians submitting written statements refusing immunizations for children are required to resubmit, sign, and date that statement on an annual basis.
005.03 Each program must keep as part of each child's file the immunization history, or the certification by the medical provider, or the written statement from the parent or guardian. These records must be available to the Department for inspection and review.
005.04 The licensee of each program must report to the Department by November 1 of each year the records of immunization for all children enrolled as of September 30 of that year. Children who have reached kindergarten age and who are enrolled in a public or private school need not be included in the report. Each report must consist of the following items:
1. The name, address, and telephone number of the licensee and the number of children enrolled on September 30;
2. For each child enrolled, a report of the name of the child, the child's date of birth, and the child's immunization record; and
3. Copy of refusal of immunization or medical certification if the child is not up to date.

The copy of the certification from the medical professional must state the medical reason(s) for not immunizing the child. The copy of the written statement from the parent or guardian must state the reason(s) why the parent or guardian does not wish to have the child immunized.


Child's Age At Entrance or At Time of Record Review <<<<Minimum>>>> Number of Doses Required of Each Vaccine
DTaP/DT/ Td/Tdap Vaccine Polio Vaccine MMR/ MMRV Vaccine Hib Vaccine Hep B Vaccine VZV Vaccine PCV Vaccine
0 but not yet 3 Months None None None None None None None
3 months but not yet 5 Months 1 Dose 1 Dose None 1 Dose 1 Dose None 1 Dose
5 months but not yet 7 Months 2 Doses 2 Doses None 2 Doses 2 Doses None 2 Doses
7 months but not yet 16 Months 3 Doses 2 Doses None 2 Doses ** 3 Doses None 3 Doses ****
16 months but not yet 19 Months 3 Doses 2 Doses 1 Dose * 3 Doses ** 3 Doses 1 Dose or Documented History of Disease 4 Doses ****
19 Months to School Entry 4 Doses 3 Doses 1 Dose * 3 Doses ** 3 Doses 1 Dose or Documented History of Disease 4 Doses ****
At School Entry 4 Doses 3 Doses 2 Doses * None *** 3 Doses 2 Doses or Documented History of Disease None

* First dose must be given no earlier than 4 days before the 1st birthday.

** Hib vaccine is recommended to be given in a multiple dose schedule beginning in infancy. However, any child who has received a single dose of Hib vaccine at or after 15 months of age is appropriately immunized.

*** Hib vaccine is not required after child reaches 5 years of age.

**** If a child is 7 months of age or older when they start the PCV series, they do not need all 4 doses of PCV. Unvaccinated children who begin the PCV series between 7-11 months of age should receive 2 doses 4 weeks apart with a booster at 12-15 months. Unvaccinated children who begin the PCV series between 12-23 months of age should receive 2 doses 8 weeks apart. Unvaccinated children 24-59 months of age need 1 dose of PCV. Children with high-risk conditions age 24-59 months should follow their physician's advice.

173 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 4, § 005