172 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 82, § 007

Current through June 17, 2024

Operating requirements for schools are as follows:

007.01REQUIREMENTS. The owner of a school must:
(A) Ensure that all students are under the supervision of an instructor at all times. Students in internships and practicums must have an onsite supervisor who is a licensed health care provider whose scope of practice includes massage techniques and who reports directly to the school instructor who must also be a licensed massage therapist.
(B) Record student hours on a daily basis.
(C) Give periodic evaluations that are graded according to a formula established by the school. A student's final average, when in training, must be no less than an average of 75%. A final practical examination, as described below, must be given before issuance of a diploma. The examination must test over the following techniques and skills:
(i) Effleurage;
(ii) Petrissage;
(iii) Tapotement or Percussion;
(iv) Friction;
(v) Vibration;
(vi) Draping; and
(vii) Hygiene and sanitation.
(D) Administer the practical examination to each student. The examination must be administered by at least 2 instructors who must score each part of the examination, and the average of the scores must be the final score for the student.
(E) Allow the Massage Therapy Board to observe any practical examination administered by the school for the purpose of ensuring adherence to the required techniques and skills specified in 172 NAC 82-006.01(C).
(F) Post and adhere to all class schedules and the school curriculum.
(G) Ensure that massage therapy students do not teach the massage curriculum.
(H) Issue an official transcript, under the original seal of the school, to each student completing the program. The transcript must clearly identify each of the required coursework areas as defined in 172 NA C 81-004.01(B), the hours earned in each coursework area, the name of the student, and the enrollment and graduation date.
(I) Ensure that all advertising by the school states that services are performed by students who are in training in massage therapy.
007.02PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES. The owner of a school must not:
(A) Pay direct compensation to any of its students; tips are considered direct compensation.
(B) Credit a student with hours except when such hours were earned in the study or practice of massage therapy in accordance with the required curriculum, except massage schools may transfer college or university credit into the massage course of study.

172 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 82, § 007

Amended effective 6/7/2021