The following regulations are prescribed by the Game and Parks Commission, State of Nebraska in accordance with Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 37-301, 37-314, 37-316, 37-418, 37-540, 37-542, 37-548 through 37-549, and 37-801 through 37-811. For purposes of these regulations, unless context otherwise requires, the definitions found in Chapter 37, sections 202 through 247 of the Game Law, are used.
Common Name | Scientific Name | Location1 |
Birds | ||
*Whooping crane | Grus americana | Entire |
*Eskimo curlew2 | Numenius borealis | Entire |
interior least tern | Stemula antillarum athalassos | Entire |
Mammals | ||
*Black-footed ferret | Mustela niaripes | Entire |
Swift fox | Vulpes velox | Entire |
Plants | ||
*Blowout penstemon | Penstemon havdenii | Entire |
**Colorado butterfly plant | Gaura neomexicana ssp. coloradensis | Entire |
Saltwort | Salicornia rubra | Entire |
Fishes | ||
*Topeka shiner | Notropis topeka | Entire |
*Pallid sturgeon | Scaphirhvnchus albus | Entire |
Blacknose shiner | Notropis heterolepis | Entire |
Sturgeon chub | Macrhvboosis qelida | Entire |
Invertebrates | ||
*American burying beetle | Nicrophorus americanus | Entire |
*Salt Creek tiger beetle | Cicindela nevadica lincolniana | Entire |
*Scaleshell mussel | Leptodea leptodon | Entire |
*Also listed as endangered in Nebraska under the Federal Endangered Species Act. | ||
**Also listed as threatened in Nebraska under the Federal Endangered Species Act. | ||
1Portion of Nebraska where endangered or threatened. | ||
2Last reported Nebraska sighting was made in 1926, no documented sighting anywhere since 1962. Species likely extinct. | ||
3There are recent (not historical) records of this species in Nebraska. However, there are no known breeding populations and/or Nebraska does not provide an important stopover or migratory path for this species. |
Common Name | Scientific Name | Location1 |
Birds | ||
Mountain plover | Charadrius montanus | Entire |
**Piping plover | Charadrius melodus | Entire |
**Red knot | Calidris canutus rufa | Entire |
McCown's Lonqspur | Rhvnchophanes mccownii | Entire |
Mammals | ||
Southern flying squirrel | Glaucomvs volans | Entire |
**Northern long-eared bat | Myotis septentrionalis | Entire |
Plants | ||
**Ute ladies'-tresses orchid | Spiranthes diluvialis | Entire |
**Western prairie fringed orchid | Platanthera praeclara | Entire |
American Ginseng | Panax quinquefolius | Entire |
Small white lady's-slipper | Cypripedium candidum | Entire |
Fishes | ||
Lake sturgeon | Acipenser fulvescens | Entire |
Northern redbelly dace | Chrosomus eos | Entire |
Finescale dace | Chrosomus neoqaeus | Entire |
Reptiles | ||
Massasauga | Sistrurus catenatus | Entire |
Timber Rattlesnake | Crotalus horridus | Entire |
*Also listed as endangered in Nebraska under the Federal Endangered Species Act. | ||
**Also listed as threatened in Nebraska under the Federal Endangered Species Act. | ||
1 Portion of Nebraska where endangered or threatened. | ||
3There are recent (not historical) records of this species in Nebraska. However, there are no known breeding populations and/or Nebraska does not provide an important stopover or migratory path for this species. |
It shall be unlawful to:
Brush Creek west of Brownlee in Cherry County
Cottonwood Creek in Keya Paha County
East Holt Creek in Keya Paha County
Gordon Creek west of Highway 61 in Cherry County
Holt Creek in Keya Paha County
Niobrara River east of Box Butte Reservoir and west of Highway 385 in Dawes County
Taylor Creek west of Highway 81 in Madison County.
163 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 4, § 004