Operations of all solid waste processing facilities shall be in accordance with the approved operational plan and Chapter 2 requirements.
004.01 A solid waste processing facility shall be designed and operated at all times so as to not constitute a hazard, or a threat to human health or the environment.004.02 Litter shall be controlled at solid waste processing facilities.004.03 Disease vector control An owner or operator of a solid waste processing facility shall prevent or control on-site populations of disease vectors using techniques appropriate for the protection of human health and the environment.
004.04 Air Criteria Measures shall be taken to control fugitive dust in accordance with Title 129 - Nebraska Air Quality Regulations during processing of solid waste.
004.05 Procedures for Excluding the Receipt of Regulated Hazardous Waste or TSCA Regulated PCB Wastes. 004.05A Owners or operators of a solid waste processing facility shall implement a program for detecting and preventing the acceptance or disposal of regulated hazardous wastes and TSCA regulated polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) wastes. This program shall include, at a minimum: 004.05A1 Random inspections of incoming loads unless the owner or operator takes other steps to ensure that incoming loads do not contain regulated hazardous wastes or PCB wastes. Random inspections must be conducted on a minimum of one percent ( 1.0 %) of the incoming loads per week or at least one (1) load per week if less than one hundred (100) loads per week are received and processed;004.05A2 Records of any inspections;004.05A3 Training of facility personnel to recognize regulated hazardous wastes and PCB wastes; and004.05A4 Notification to the Department if a regulated hazardous waste or PCB waste is discovered at the facility.004.05B Any regulated hazardous or PCB waste identified must be removed and handled in accordance with procedures of the approved operating plan.004.06 Access Requirements 004.06A An owner or operator of a solid waste processing facility shall control public access and prevent unauthorized vehicular traffic and illegal dumping of wastes by using artificial barriers, natural barriers, or both, as appropriate, to protect human health and the environment.004.06B Access roads to the site shall be maintained so as to be negotiable by vehicles.004.06C Necessary measures shall be taken (supervision, placarding, fencing) to reduce trespassing.004.06D Solid waste processing facilities shall be supervised to satisfy requirements of these rules and regulations; placarding or posting instructions shall be used as a supplement to on-site supervision.004.06E Access to the site shall be permitted only during the hours when operating personnel are on the site.004.06F All vehicular access points shall be equipped with gates that can be locked or a Department-approved alternative. Operating procedures shall be clearly listed on signs posted at the site entrance.004.07 Surface Water Requirements A solid waste processing facility shall not:
004.07A Cause a discharge of pollutants into waters of the state, including wetlands, that violate any requirements of Title 119 - Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Issuance of Permits Under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.004.07B Cause the discharge of a non-point source of pollution to waters of the State that violate any requirement of an area-wide or state-wide water quality management plan that has been approved under section 208 or 319 of the Clean Water Act, as amended.004.08 An owner or operator shall not accept solid waste at the facility if the storage capacity has been reached. Solid waste shall only be stored in areas designated for storage.004.09 Modifications to facility equipment or operations shall be submitted to the Department for approval and placed into the current permit application, and entered into the operating record.004.10 Unloading of solid waste at a facility shall be confined to designated areas. Solid waste shall be confined to unloading, loading, and handling areas only.004.11 The operational plan for a solid waste processing facility shall include a description of the methods of operations which comply with the requirements of 004.01to 004.10. The operational plan shall also include: 004.11A A description of the days and hours of operations;004.11B A description of the number and duties of employees;004.11C A listing of sources and types of waste to be received; and an estimate of daily quantity of wastes to be received; origin of wastes to be received; and load inspection techniques;004.11D Numbers, type and size of equipment on site as well as provisions for obtaining back up equipment, if necessary; and004.11E A contingency plan for addressing reasonably foreseeable events including, but not be limited to, wet weather, high winds, frozen conditions, fires, or natural disaster.004.12 Additional operational requirements to be included in the operational plan for solid waste compost sites shall include:004.12A Methods of operation shall be described, including windrow, static pile or other, and added to the operational plan;004.12B If necessary, chemical analysis of the materials to be composted or land applied;004.12C Provisions for the disposal of waste which is not part of the compost material; and004.12D If determined necessary by the Department, provisions for at least annual laboratory analysis of underlying soils for leachate detection.132 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 6, § 004
Amended effective 5/17/2016.