129 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 6, § 002

Current through September 17, 2024
Section 129-6-002 - Application
002.01 Duty to Apply and Timely Application.
002.01A The owner or operator of a source that becomes subject to the Class I operating permit program at any time following the effective date of these regulations will file an application pursuant to 40 CFR § 70.5(a)(1).
002.01B An owner or operator subject to the regulation to obtain a Class II operating permit for a source will file an operating permit application for that source within 12 months of the date on which the source first becomes operational or otherwise subject to the requirement to obtain an operating permit.
002.01C For purposes of permit renewal, a timely application is one that is submitted at least six months, but no longer than 18 months prior to the date of permit expiration.
002.02 Complete Application for a Class I or a Class II Operating Permit. An application will be deemed complete pursuant to 40 CFR § 70.5(a)(2).
002.03 Confidential Information for Class I and Class II Permits. A source which has submitted information to the Department under a claim of confidentiality pursuant to Title 115 - Rules of Practice and Procedure, may be required by the Department to submit a copy of such information to the EPA. Applicant name, source location, compliance plan, schedule of compliance, monitoring reports, certification, emission data, and issued permits will be available to the public.
002.04 Duty to Supplement or Correct an Application for a Class I or a Class II Operating Permit. Applicant will comply with requirements in 40 CFR § 70.5(b).
002.05 Standard Application Form and Required Information for a Class I or Class II Operating Permit Application.
002.05A The owner or operator of a source required to obtain a Class I operating permit will submit an application on standard forms available from the Department.
002.05B The applicant will include, at a minimum, information pursuant to 40 CFR § 70.5(c)(1) through 70.5(c)(10), and the following:
002.05B1 The Source Classification Code as published by EPA's Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards including any associated with an alternate scenario identified by the source.
002.05B2 All emissions, both actual and potential, of regulated air pollutants.
002.05B3 Emissions rates in tpy and in such terms as are necessary to establish compliance consistent with the applicable standard reference test method or alternative method as approved by the Director.
002.05B4 Limitations on source operation affecting emissions, including physical or operational limitations on potential to emit for all Class II sources.
002.05B5 The applicant will indicate any emission points at the facility for which the applicant intends to request coverage under a general permit.
002.05B6 A Class I source may request a permit shield pursuant to 40 CFR § 70.6(f)(2).
002.05B7 An explanation of any proposed exemption from an applicable requirement.
002.05C The Director may develop a list of insignificant activities pursuant to 40 CFR § 70.5(c). The list will be made available by the Department and updated as necessary. The Director may consider the following criteria in developing the list of insignificant activities:
002.05C1 Support activities may be listed as insignificant if they are not themselves marketed or traded, and do not use equipment or materials of a size or nature that are themselves subject to an applicable requirement under the Act or this Title;
002.05C2 Activities or emission units which can be determined to result in air contaminant emissions less than those specified in 001.01 of this Chapter based on size, capacity or an expectation of incidental usage may be determined to be insignificant. The Director may consider standard industrial practices and the results of rulemaking efforts under the Act in establishing such thresholds;
002.05C3 Laboratory and research and development activities may be listed as insignificant activities only if conducted in the nonprocess areas of the facility. If the principal activity of a site is laboratory services or research and development for other locations or under contract, such activities are significant for purposes of permitting;
002.05C4 The Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42 emission factors) or comparable data may be considered when determining insignificant use or storage thresholds. For hazardous air pollutants, the Director may consider any de minimis emission level established by the EPA under Part 112(g) of the Act or a storage or use level established in any federal or state standard.
002.05C5 Insignificant activities listed for exclusion in the permit application pursuant to 40 CFR § 70.5(c) will also apply to Class II sources.
002.05D The list of insignificant activities will describe classes of activities that may be excluded from the permit application or only listed with a limited amount of support data. The applicant will provide information which the list will specify necessary to determine if a specific activity, piece of equipment or group of items is subject to an applicable requirement under the Act or this Title. The Department may request additional information as determined necessary. Inclusion of an activity, emission unit or specific use or storage of a regulated pollutant on the list does not absolve an applicant from any applicable requirements under the Act or this Title to which such an activity or emission unit is otherwise subject.
002.05E Emissions from insignificant activities are included in the determination of whether a source will obtain a Class I or Class II operating permit.
002.06 Certification for Class I and Class II Permits. Any application form, report, or compliance certification submitted will comply with requirements found in 40 CFR Part 70.5(d).
002.07 For Class I permits, the regulations found at 40 CFR § 70.7(a)(2) and (5) are adopted and incorporated by reference.
002.08 The Department shall prepare a statement that sets forth the legal and factual basis for the draft Class I permit conditions, including references to the applicable statutory and regulatory provisions. This statement shall accompany the draft permit sent to EPA, and be made available to any person who requests it.
002.09 For Class I and Class II sources, the submittal of a complete application will not affect the requirement that any source have a construction permit.

129 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 6, § 002

Amended effective 9/28/2022