Current through September 17, 2024
Air curtain incinerators that meet the requirements of Section 001.05 of this Chapter will meet the following requirements:
007.01 Within 60 days after the air curtain incinerator reaches the charge rate at which it will operate, but no later than 180 days after its initial startup, the limitations in Sections 007.01A and 007.01B will be met:007.01A The opacity limitation is 10 percent (6-minute average), except as described in Section 007.01B.007.01B The opacity limitation is 35 percent (6-minute average) during the startup period that is within the first 30 minutes of operation.007.02 Except during malfunctions, the requirements of Section 007.01 apply at all times, and each malfunction will not exceed three hours.007.03 Opacity monitoring of the air curtain incinerator will include: 007.03A Use of Method 9 of Appendix A of New Source Performance Standards (40 CFR Part 60) to determine compliance with the opacity limitation.007.03B Conducting an initial test for opacity as specified in 40 CFR § After the initial test for opacity, conducting annual opacity tests no more than 12 calendar months following the date of the previous test.007.04 Prior to commencing construction on the air curtain incinerator, submit all items described in Sections 007.04A through 007.04C:007.04A Notification of intent to construct the air curtain incinerator.007.04B Planned initial startup date.007.04C Types of materials to be burned in the air curtain incinerator.007.05 Recordkeeping requirements for air curtain incinerators:007.05A Maintain records of results of all initial and annual opacity test reports onsite or readily available in either paper copy or electronic format, unless the Director approves another format, for at least five years.007.05B Make all records available during an onsite inspection and available for submittal to the Director.007.05C The results (each 6-minute average) of the initial opacity tests will be submitted no later than 60 days following the initial tests. Annual opacity test results will be submitted within 12 months following the previous tests. The opacity test reports will be submitted electronically or by paper copy within 60 days of the test.129 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 14, § 007
Amended effective 9/28/2022