92 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 20, § 003

Current through September 17, 2024
Section 92-20-003 - Requirements for Educator Preparation Program Approval
003.01Original Educator Preparation Program Approval
003.01ALetter of Application and Institutional Planning Report. Any Nebraska institution of higher education may apply for approval of its educator preparation program by submitting a letter of intent to seek approval and an Institutional Planning Report (IPR) signed by the chief academic officer of the institution on behalf of the governing board of the institution. These documents must be received by the Commissioner on or before January 15 of the calendar year in which the institution seeks to begin the approval process.
003.01BGoverning Board Approval. The IPR must include documentation that the governing board of the institution has approved the plans and a time table whereby the institution will meet each of the requirements to become a standard institution of higher education within four (4) years.
003.01CChapter 20 Compliance. The IPR must include the procedures and time table for compliance with the requirements in Sections 004 through 007 of this chapter.
003.01DCollaboration and Support of School Systems. The IPR must contain statements of support from school systems documenting their collaboration and assistance in planning to provide field experiences which meet the requirements of this chapter and 92 NAC 24.
003.01E The IPR must contain documentation that the institution is accredited.
003.02Initial Provisional Approval
003.02A The Commissioner, after receiving the institution's request to begin the process of becoming a standard institution of higher education, must shall appoint a team to visit the institution and report on the institution's ability to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
003.02A1 The team must schedule a visit to the institution within sixty (60) days after receiving the IPR.
003.02A2 The team must file a recommendation with the Commissioner within sixty (60) days after the scheduled visit to the institution.
003.02A3 Following a review of the institutional visit report, the Commissioner must file a recommendation with the Board regarding the application and shall notify the institution of the recommendations. Notification must be sent by certified mail to the chief academic officer of the institution. The institution will have thirty (30) days after receipt of the recommendation to request an opportunity for a hearing before the Board as provided in Section 008 of this chapter.
003.02A4 Following a review of the Commissioner's recommendation, and after giving the institution an opportunity for a hearing, if requested, the Board must either approve or deny the institution's implementation of the plan under provisional approval. Provisional approval permits the institution to phase in an educator preparation program, excluding clinical practice, over a period of time not to exceed three (3) years.
003.03Continuing Provisional Approval
003.03AProvisional Approval Report. By March 1 of each year during provisional approval, the institution must file the Provisional Approval Report with the Commissioner which includes:
003.03A1 Documentation of written notification made to all candidates taking education courses that the institution has provisional approval, but is not yet approved for recommending certification;
003.03A2 Statements of continuing participation by the school systems in which the institution is placing candidates for field experiences; and
003.03A3 Documentation of the degree to which the institution is in compliance with all applicable sections of this chapter, excluding clinical practice; 92 NAC 23; and 92 NAC 24. The Provisional Approval Report must also indicate how, in each succeeding year, the institution is progressing toward total compliance, excluding clinical practice.
003.03B The Commissioner may respond each year with a scheduled visit by a team or staff, to the institution within sixty (60) days after receiving the Provisional Approval Report.
003.03C The team or staff conducting such a visit must file a recommendation with the Commissioner within thirty (30) days after a scheduled visit.
003.03D Following a review of the report, the Commissioner must file a recommendation with the Board regarding the application and notify the institution of the recommendations. Notification must be sent by certified mail to the chief academic officer of the institution. The institution will have thirty (30) days after receipt of the recommendation to request an opportunity for a hearing before the Board as provided in Section 008 of this chapter.
003.03E Following a review of the Commissioner's recommendation, and after giving the institution an opportunity for a hearing, if requested, the Board must either approve or deny continuation of provisional or recommend temporary approval.
003.04Temporary Approval to Offer an Educator Preparation Program. If the Commissioner recommends and the Board concurs, the institution may be granted a one (1) year temporary approval. Temporary approval allows the institution to place candidates and to recommend graduates of the program to the Department for certification. Temporary approval may be renewed on a yearly basis for a maximum of three (3) years, using the process found in Sections 003.04A through 003.04F of this chapter for each of these years.
003.04A By March 1 of each year in which the institution is operating with temporary approval, the institution must file a Temporary Approval Report with the Commissioner. The Temporary Approval Report must document complete compliance with all applicable sections of this chapter, 92 NAC 23, and 92 NAC 24.
003.04B The Commissioner may respond with a scheduled visit by a team or staff, to the institution within sixty (60) days after receiving the Temporary Approval Report.
003.04C The team or staff conducting such a visit must file a recommendation with the Commissioner within thirty (30) days after the scheduled visit.
003.04D Following a review of the report, the Commissioner must snail file a recommendation with the Board regarding the application and shall notify the institution of the recommendations. Notification must be sent by certified mail to the chief academic officer of the institution. The institution will have thirty (30) days after receipt of the recommendation to request an opportunity for a hearing before the Board as provided in Section 008 of this chapter.
003.04E Following a review of the Commissioner's recommendation, and after giving the institution an opportunity for a hearing, if requested, the Board must exercise one of the following options:
(a) approve the institution as a standard institution of higher education,
(b) grant it temporary approval for another year, or
(c) deny the institution further status as an educator preparation program.
003.04F Once the Board has approved the institution as a standard institution of higher education, the institution is subject to the provisions in Section 003.05 of this chapter.
003.05Continuing Approval of an Educator Preparation Program. Continuing approval will be for the period of August 1 through July 31 of the next year and will be conditional upon the institution's compliance with the requirements in Sections 003 through 007 of this chapter. An institution's failure to meet a numbered regulation will be considered a violation and will be subject to the provisions of Section 003.05C of this chapter.
003.05AAnnual Board Approval. The institution must submit a list of endorsements offered, program outcomes, assurance of compliance, and correction of areas of non-compliance, if applicable, by May 15 of each year. Recommended forms may be found on the NDE Educator Preparation website.
003.05BState Program Review. At least once every seven (7) years, the Commissioner must conduct a full review of the educator preparation program, including both an offsite and an onsite component, to determine compliance with all applicable provisions of this chapter and 92 NAC 24.
003.05B1 The state program review must be conducted by a state team, appointed by the Commissioner, which includes representation from the Nebraska Council on Teacher Education (NCTE), persons with content knowledge in the endorsement areas offered by the educator preparation program, and Department staff.
003.05B2 For institutions participating in a national accreditation review of educator preparation programs, the state program review must be conducted to coordinate with the national accreditation process.
003.05B3Offsite Review
003.05B3aInstitutional Report. Qualitative and quantitative information regarding compliance with the requirements of Sections 004 through 007 of this chapter must be submitted on a schedule established by the Commissioner. Recommended forms may be found on the NDE Educator Preparation website.
003.05B3bEndorsement Program Folios. Information regarding each endorsement program offered by the institution must be submitted on a schedule established by the Commissioner. Recommended forms may be found on the NDE Educator Preparation website. Folio information must include:
003.05B3b1 Documentation of compliance with the endorsement requirements in 92 NAC 24;
003.05B3b2 Quantitative and qualitative candidate assessment and performance information; and
003.05B3b3 Changes made in response to data regarding candidate or graduate performance and/or in response to the needs of school systems.
003.05B4Onsite Review. An onsite review must be conducted to validate information submitted by the institution in response to Section 003.05B3 of this chapter or to acquire additional information to determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter and 92 NAC 24.
003.05B5 Results of the state program review must be reported to the Board during the annual approval meeting.
003.05CCorrection of Areas of Noncompliance. The institution will have until May 1 of the year following the Board's annual approval decision to correct areas of noncompliance identified in Section 003.05 of this chapter.
003.05C1Approval on Probation. The Commissioner may recommend to the Board approval on probation for an institution with uncorrected areas of noncompliance as of May 1 of the first year following the Board's annual approval decision.
003.05C2Denial of Approval. The Commissioner may recommend to the Board denial of approval for an institution with uncorrected areas of noncompliance as of May 1 of the year following designation of approval on probation.
003.05C3Notification and Appeal. The Commissioner must notify the chief academic officer of the institution of a recommendation for probation or denial of approval in writing by certified mail. The institution will have thirty (30) days after receipt of the recommendation to request an opportunity for a hearing as provided in Section 008 of this chapter.
003.06Special Endorsement Authorization. A Nebraska standard institution of higher education may apply for approval of a special authorization to offer an endorsement program not included in 92 NAC 24.
003.06AApplication for Approval. An application must be received by the Commissioner on or before January 15 of the calendar year in which the institution seeks to begin the new endorsement program.
003.06A1 The application must include justification of interest and need for the proposed new endorsement program, educator competencies appropriate for the proposed new endorsement program, a list of the required courses that will address the competencies and accompanying syllabi, and the timetable for candidates' completion of the proposed new endorsement program.
003.06A2 The application must contain statements of support from school systems documenting the school systems' collaboration and assistance in planning to provide field experience placements which meet the requirements of this chapter and 92 NAC 24.
003.06A3 Within thirty (30) days from receipt of the application, the Commissioner must assign a team to assess the information provided in the application, which may include a visit to the institution. The team must include members representing the Nebraska Council on Teacher Education (NCTE) and persons with content knowledge in the proposed endorsement area.
003.06A4 The team must file a recommendation with the Commissioner for denial of the application or provisional approval.
003.06A5 The Commissioner must provide written notification by certified mail of the decision to the chief academic officer of the institution by May 1. The institution will have thirty (30) days after receipt of the notification to request a meeting with the Commissioner if the decision is to deny approval. Following the meeting, the Commissioner must inform the institution in writing if the decision to deny is upheld.
003.06BProvisional Approval of a Special Endorsement Authorization.
003.06B1 Following provisional approval by the Commissioner, the institution may phase in the new endorsement program, excluding clinical practice, over a period of time not to exceed three (3) years.
003.06B2 By March 1 of each year following provisional approval, the institution must file a written progress report on the program with the Commissioner which must include:
003.06B2a Enrollment data and documentation of written notification to the candidates stating that the institution has provisional approval and describing candidate recourse if the program is eliminated;
003.06B2b Statements of continuing participation from school systems for placement of candidates for field experiences; and
003.06B2c Reaffirmation or updated information regarding elements in Sections 003.06A1 and 003.06A2 of this chapter.
003.06B3 The review team identified in Section 003.06A3 of this chapter must review the progress report, which may include an onsite visit, and file a recommendation of denial, continued provisional approval, or temporary approval with the Commissioner within thirty (30) days following the review.
003.06B4 The Commissioner must provide written notification by certified mail of the decision to the chief academic officer of the institution by May 1. The institution will have thirty (30) days after receipt of the notification to request a meeting with the Commissioner if the decision is to deny approval. Following the meeting, the Commissioner must inform the institution in writing if the subsequent decision to deny is upheld.
003.06CTemporary Approval of a Special Endorsement Authorization.
003.06C1 Following temporary approval by the Commissioner, the endorsement program may place candidates and recommend completers of the program for certification by the Department.
003.06C2 By March 1 of each year following temporary approval, the institution must file a written progress report on the program with the Commissioner. The progress report must include:
003.06C2a Enrollment data and documentation of written notification to the candidates stating that the institution has temporary approval and describing candidate recourse if the program is eliminated;
003.06C2b Statements of continuing participation from school systems for placement of candidates for field experiences; and
003.06C2c Reaffirmation or updated information regarding elements in Sections 003.06A1 and 003.06A2 of this chapter.
003.06C3 The review team identified in Section 003.06A3 of this chapter must review the progress report, which may include an onsite visit, and file a recommendation with the Commissioner to (a) continue temporary approval until the endorsement is placed in 92 NAC 24, (b) return to provisional status, or (c) deny any further approval.
003.06C4 By May 1, the Commissioner must consider the team's recommendation and provide written notification by certified mail to the chief academic officer of the institution of the decision to (a) renew temporary approval for a period not to exceed three (3) years, (b) return the endorsement to provisional status, (c) deny further approval and the reasons for the decision, or (d) recommend the special authorization be moved forward for inclusion in 92 NAC 24.
003.06C5 The institution will have thirty (30) days after receipt of the notification to request a meeting with the Commissioner if the decision is to deny approval. Following the meeting, the Commissioner must inform the institution in writing if the decision to deny is upheld.

92 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 20, § 003

Amended effective 7/16/2019
Amended effective 6/2/2024