The Act means the Microenterprise Development Act.
Commercial Lending Institutions means any financial institution defined in subsection (4) of 8-157 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes, 1991.
The Department means the Nebraska Department of Economic Development.
The Director means the Director of the Nebraska Department of Economic Development.
Microenterprise means any business whether new or existing with five or fewer employees full time employees and includes startup, homebased and self-employed businesses.
Microloan Delivery Organizations means any community based or nonprofit program which has developed a viable plan for providing training, access to financing and technical assistance for microenterprise and which meets the criteria and qualification established for the Act.
Operating costs means the costs associated with administering a loan, a loan guaranty, a revolving loan program, or providing for business training and technical assistance to a microloan recipient.
Program means the Microenterprise Partnership Program.
A Statewide Microlending Support Organization means any community based or nonprofit organization which has a demonstrated capacity and a plan for providing administering grants or loans to microloan delivery organizations.
85 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 4, § 001