Current through September 17, 2024
Section 45-3-005 - REQUIRED DATA LOANS005.01 INSTALLMENT LOANS005.01A If any of the following accounts are maintained in the computer records, they must be identified by a unique code. A range of account numbers is not an acceptable method. 005.01A1 TYPE OF LOAN Designates the classification of the loan according to legal definitions. 005.01A1a DIRECT LOANS TO BORROWERS Loans governed by the Personal Loan statutes, Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 8-815 to 8-829, inclusive. (Installment Loans)005.01A1b INDIRECT LOANS - PURCHASED PAPER Loans governed by the Installment Sales Act Chapter 3 (Dealer Paper)005.01A1c OTHER LOANS Loans not governed by the Personal Loan statutes or the Installment Sales Act005.01A1d DIRECT LEASE PAPER (IF MAINTAINED WITH INSTALLMENT LOANS)005.01A1e INDIRECT LEASE PAPER (IF MAINTAINED WITH INSTALLMENT LOANS)005.01A2 LOAN CLASSIFICATIONS Minimum classifications:005.01A2a Loans to purchase automobiles on installment basis.005.01A2b Credit cards and related plans 005.01A2b1 Retail (charge account) credit card plans005.01A2b2 Check credit and revolving credit plans005.01A2c Loans to purchase retail consumer goods on installment basis. 005.01A2c1 Mobile homes (exclude travel trailers)005.01A2c2 Other retail consumer goods (exclude credit cards and related plans)005.01A2d Loans to repair and modernize residential property.005.01A2e Other installment loans for household, family, and other personal expenditures.005.01A3 IDENTIFICATION CODE - Designates the borrower on a loan. 005.01A3a DIRECTOR, OFFICER, OR EMPLOYEE OF THE BANK A single code may be used to identify all three categories.005.01A4 STATUS CODE - Designates a unique feature of an account. These codes are not necessarily mutually exclusive.005.01A4a RECOURSE INDICATOR (WITH OR WITHOUT)005.01A4b REPURCHASE INDICATOR (FULL OR LIMITED)005.01A4c REPOSSESSED INDICATOR005.01B Required Fields of Data: 005.01B1 BORROWER NUMBER A number assigned to a particular borrower. This number can be either common for all indebtedness or common for all installment loan indebtedness.005.01B3 NAME OF BORROWER(S) Short name is acceptable.005.01B4 ADDRESS OF BORROWER Must include zip code.005.01B6 DATE OF LOAN Date shown on the face of the note.005.01B7 AMOUNT ADVANCED Principal amount of the loan; sometimes called proceeds, net amount financed, or amount of loan. It may be disclosed to the borrower in a single amount or disclosed as sale price less any down payment of cash or goods.005.01B8 TOTAL OF PAYMENTS (TIME BALANCE) The sum of amount advanced, insurance premiums, official fees, and the total finance charge.005.01B9 AMOUNT FINANCED The sum of the amount advanced, insurance premiums, and official fees.005.01B10 FINANCE CHARGE (TIME PRICE DIFFERENTIAL) The total time balance less amount advanced, insurance premiums, and official fees.005.01B11 ORIGINAL MATURITY DATE Date the current note was originally contracted to be paid off.005.01B12 DATE OF THE FIRST PAYMENT Date the first payment is required from the borrower by disclosure on the contract.005.01B13 CURRENT MATURITY DATE Date the current note is presently contracted to be paid off. If this date is the same as the original maturity date, both fields will contain identical data.005.01B14 NUMBER OF EXTENSIONS Number of months or days (where 30 days equal one month) that the original maturity date has been extended.005.01B15 EXTENSION CHARGES ASSESSED Accumulated additional finance charges assessed when the maturity date of the loan is extended. Extensions may affect the rebate on finance charges.005.01B16 EXTENSION CHARGES PAID OR UNPAID Balance of extension charges assessed, either paid or unpaid.005.01B17 NUMBER OF TIMES LATE (DELINQUENT) Method of determining delinquency is described by applicable law.005.01B18 LATE (DELINQUENT) CHARGES ASSESSED Accumulated charges assessed to the obligor for late payment.005.01B19 LATE (DELINQUENT) CHARGES PAID OR UNPAID Balance of late charges assessed, either paid or unpaid.005.01B20 NUMBER OF TIMES REWRITTEN Number of times a new loan has been written to replace one or more existing loans, regardless of whether any new money was involved. Extension of maturity is not considered a rewritten note.005.01B21 SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Include number of regular payments, regular payment amount, number(s) of irregular payment(s), and amount(s) of irregular payment(s).005.01B22 NUMBER OF PAYMENTS MADE OR REMAINING The total number of scheduled payments made or remaining, including regular and irregular payments.005.01B23 AMOUNT OF PAYMENTS MADE The total amount of payments made which has reduced the time balance. This must not include amounts for any unscheduled charges.005.01B24 DATE OF LAST CUSTOMER PAYMENT MADE Date the last dollar transaction was posted, not to include any unscheduled charges.005.01B25 AMOUNT OF LAST PAYMENT Dollar amount of the last payment that does not include any unscheduled charges.005.01B26 DATE NEXT PAYMENT IS DUE005.01B27 UNPAID BALANCE The sum of amount advanced, insurance premiums, official fees, and total finance charges minus the amount of payments made.005.01B28 INTEREST RATE Annual percentage rate as disclosed in the contract in the form of This is the same as the APR described in Regulation Z.005.01B29 DESCRIPTION OF COLLATERAL/OR COLLATERAL TYPE INDICATOR A descriptive identification of the collateral pledged, or an indicator code for type of collateral.005.01B31 PARTICIPATION INDICATOR (PURCHASED OR SOLD) When a specific loan is a participation, it must have an indicator.005.01B32 PARTICIPATION IDENTIFICATION NUMBER An identification of who the participation was purchased from or sold to. A current list of codes assigned must be maintained at the bank. A single code may be used to identify multiple entities.005.01B33 GUARANTOR, ENDORSER, CO-SIGNERS INDICATOR An indicator that specifies if the loan has a guarantor, endorser, or co-signer.005.01B34 MINIMUM CHARGES The charge allowed by law. Minimum charges are allowed in lieu of interest.005.01B35 ATTORNEY FEES AND COURT COSTS ACTUALLY EXPENDED Fees actually expended if allowed by applicable statute and/or a court.005.01B36 OFFICIAL FEES Actual fees paid to official agencies for recordation of title or lien.005.01B37 PAYOFF Amount necessary to retire the debt, after deducting those fees that are subject to rebate.005.01B38 INSURANCE PREMIUMS Insurance premiums must be recorded separately as one of the following: 005.01B38a Credit Life Insurance004.01B38b Accident and Health Insurance004.01B38c Other Insurance: Any insurance other than Credit Life or A&H005.01B39 FLOOR PLAN LOANS: 005.01B39a NAME OF DEALER005.01B39b ADDRESS Must include zip code.005.01B39d DATE OF TRUST RECEIPT OR CHATTEL MORTGAGE Date of either document.005.01B39e ORIGINAL AMOUNT OF ITEM005.01B39f SERIAL NUMBERS005.01B39g DESCRIPTION Year, model, make, etc.005.01B39h CURRENT BALANCE005.01B39i DATE INTEREST PAID TO005.01B39j PAST DUE INTEREST INDICATOR005.01B39k AMORTIZATION PLANS OR INDICATOR AS TO METHOD OR PERCENTAGE005.01B39l DATE OF LAST INSPECTION 005.02 REAL ESTATE LOANS005.02A If any of the following accounts are maintained in the computer records, they must be identified by a unique code. A range of account numbers is not an acceptable method. 005.02A1 TYPE OF LOAN - Designates the classification of the loan according to legal definitions (FHA, VA, conventional, construction, interim financing, etc.)005.02A2 IDENTIFICATION CODE - Designates the borrower on a loan.005.02A2a DIRECTOR, OFFICER, OR EMPLOYEE OF THE BANK A single code may be used to identify all three categories.005.02B Required Fields of Data: 005.02B1 BORROWER NUMBER A number assigned to a particular borrower. This number can be either common for all indebtedness or for all real estate loan indebtedness.005.02B3 NAME OF BORROWER(S) Short name is acceptable.005.02B4 ADDRESS OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY File must contain the address of the mortgaged property, including zip code. This address may not necessarily be the mailing address of the borrower.005.02B5 LOAN OFFICER CODE005.02B6 ORIGINAL DATE Date on the note and mortgage.005.02B7 ORIGINAL AMOUNT Amount on the note and mortgage.005.02B8 ORIGINAL COMMITMENT Original amount of the loan approval.005.02B9 UNADVANCED FUNDS005.02B10 DATE OF LAST DISBURSEMENT OF UNADVANCED FUNDS005.02B11 AMOUNT OF LAST DISBURSEMENT OF UNADVANCED FUNDS005.02B12 SECURITY TYPE Residential, multifamily, commercial, etc.005.02B13 APPRAISED VALUATION The amount of the latest appraisal conducted by an authorized agent of the bank. Any releases of collateral should reduce the appraised valuation.005.02B14 DATE OF APPRAISAL Date of the latest valuation conducted by an authorized agent of the bank.005.02B15 TERMS Information should be sufficient to identify the re-payment schedule agreed to by the parties.005.02B16 FIRST PAYMENT DUE Date indicated by the note which the borrower is to make the first payment on the loan balance, for either interest or principal or any combination thereof.005.02B18 INTEREST RATE Rate of interest currently being charged on the note. There must also be an indicator if the note has a variable interest type rate.005.02B19 CURRENT BALANCE Balance on which interest is being calculated.005.02B20 ESCROW BALANCE (IF APPLICABLE)005.02B21 PARTICIPATION INDICATOR Indicates whether loan is purchased or sold.005.02B22 PARTICIPATION BASIS Either percentage or dollar amount.005.02B23 PARTICIPANT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER An identification of whom the participation was purchased from or sold to. A current list of codes assigned should be maintained at the bank. A single code may be used to identify multiple entities.005.02B24 DATE PRINCIPAL PAID TO005.02B25 DATE OF LAST CUSTOMER INITIATED PAYMENT The date the last dollar transaction was posted, not to include any unscheduled charges.005.02B26 AMOUNT OF LAST CUSTOMER INITIATED PAYMENT The dollar amount of the last payment that does not include any unscheduled charges.005.02B27 DATE NEXT PAYMENT DUE005.02B28 STATUS INDICATOR Open end, closed, real estate in judgment, foreclosure, etc.005.02B29 NUMBER OF TIMES LATE (DELINQUENT) Delinquent policy is established by the bank.005.02B30 LATE (DELINQUENT) CHARGES ASSESSED The accumulated charges assessed for late payments.005.02B31 LATE (DELINQUENT) CHARGES PAID/UNPAID The balance of the late charges assessed either paid or unpaid.005.02B32 LIEN CLASS First, second, etc.005.02B33 GUARANTOR, ENDORSER, COSIGNER INDICATOR005.03 COMMERCIAL LOANS 005.03A If any of the following accounts are maintained in the computer records, they must be identified by a unique code. A range of account numbers is not an acceptable method. 005.03A1 TYPE OF LOAN - Designates the classification of the loan according to legal definitions (demand, time, term, etc.)005.03A2 IDENTIFICATION CODE - Designates the borrower on a loan. These codes are not necessarily mutually exclusive.005.03A3 DIRECTOR, OFFICER, OR EMPLOYEE OF THE BANK A single code may be used to identify all three categories.005.03A4 LOAN SECURED BY THE STOCK OF OTHER BANKS005.03A5 LOANS TO THIS BANK'S AFFILIATES AND LOANS SECURED BY THE STOCK OR OTHER OBLIGATIONS OF THIS BANK'S AFFILIATES. 005.04B Required Fields of Data:005.04B1 BORROWER NUMBER A number assigned to a particular borrower. This number can be either common for all indebtedness or common for all commercial loan indebtedness.005.04B2 LOAN AND/OR NOTE NUMBER005.04B3 NAME OF BORROWER(S) Short name is acceptable.005.04B4 ADDRESS OF BORROWER Must include zip code.005.04B5 COLLATERAL CODE A descriptive identification of the collateral pledged or a code to indicate same.005.04B6 GUARANTOR, ENDORSER, OR COSIGNER INDICATOR005.04B7 LOAN OFFICER CODE005.04B8 INTEREST RATE Actual interest rate, or if interest is tied to prime, an indicator of same plus the interest additive.005.04B9 TERMS Information must be sufficient to identify the re-payment schedule agreed to by the parties.005.04B10 ORIGINAL DATE OF CURRENT LOAN The date the initial loan proceeds were disbursed and interest began to accrue.005.04B11 ORIGINAL AMOUNT OF CURRENT LOAN Amount of initial loan proceeds.005.04B12 ORIGINAL DATE OF CURRENT NOTE Date the current note was executed.005.04B13 ORIGINAL AMOUNT OF CURRENT NOTE Amount of current note proceeds.005.04B14 DATE OF LAST RENEWAL D ate of last renewal of the current note.005.04B15 ORIGINAL MATURITY DATE The final date on which the principal amount of the note becomes due and payable. If the current maturity date is different, an additional field must be used.005.04B16 DATE FIRST PAYMENT DUE (IF APPLICABLE)005.04B17 DATE NEXT PAYMENT DUE (IF APPLICABLE)005.04B18 AMOUNT OF NEXT PAYMENT DUE (IF APPLICABLE)005.04B19 DATE INTEREST PAID TO Date interest on the obligation has been paid through.005.04B20 DATE PRINCIPAL PAID TO Date principal on the obligation has been paid through.005.04B21 CURRENT BALANCE HERE The remaining outstanding amount of the note after deduction for participations sold.005.04B22 GROSS LOAN BALANCE Current balance here plus participations sold.005.04B23 PAST DUE AMOUNT-INTEREST Amount of interest currently past due.005.04B24 PAST DUE AMOUNT-PRINCIPAL Amount of principal currently past due.005.04B25 NON-ACCRUAL INDICATOR An indicator that the interest rate has been lowered or reduced to zero.005.04B26 PARTICIPANT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE)005.04B27 PARTICIPANT CODE-PURCHASED OR SOLD (IF APPLICABLE)005.04C Required Fields to be maintained and/or totaled by borrower number.005.04C1 LINE OR COMMITMENT INDICATOR Identifies the type of line or commitment (advised, internal guideline, fee-paid, etc.)005.04C2 TOTAL LINE OR COMMITMENT Total approved contingent liability.005.04C3 UNUSED PORTION Total amount of unused commitment or line or credit.005.04C4 FEE BASIS INDICATOR Type of fee (None, percentage, or dollar amount)005.04C5 DATE FEE PAID TO (IF APPLICABLE)005.04C6 HIGHEST NUMBER OF CONSECUTIVE DAYS OUT OF DEBT IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS Accumulated on a previous twelve month running total, or year-to-date plus total previous year.005.04C7 HIGH AND LOW CREDIT IN LAST 12 MONTHS Accumulated on a previous twelve month running total, or year-to-date plus total previous year.005.04C8 RELATED BORROWERS (CONCENTRATION OF CREDIT) Borrower number of related organizations or persons that have commercial loans. An organization or person is defined as: closely allied interests, the repayment of whose obligations is interdependent by reason of affiliated ownership or control. A current list of codes assigned must be maintained at the bank. A single code may be used to identify multiple entities.005.04C9 CREDIT STATUS INDICATORS Loan classification by005.04C9a Internal loan review, and005.04C9b Examiner review.005.04C10 DATE LAST REVIEWED BY BANK OR DATE LAST AUTHORIZED005.04C11 DATE OF LAST CUSTOMER FINANCIAL STATEMENT005.04D The following information must be available but may be maintained in a manual system.005.04D1 PARTICIPANT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER005.04D2 NAME OF PARTICIPANT005.04D3 ADDRESS OF PARTICIPANT005.04D4 BORROWER NUMBER AND LOAN NUMBER OF LOAN PURCHASED OR SOLD005.04D5 PARTICIPATION CODE (PURCHASED OR SOLD)005.04D6 PARTICIPATION TYPE (RECOURSE, REPURCHASE, ETC.)005.04D7 PARTICIPATION BASIS (PERCENT OR DOLLAR AMOUNT)005.04D8 AMOUNT OF PARTICIPATION005.04D9 PARTICIPATION INFORMATION must be maintained for all loan participations, including 100% purchased or sold loans and for both bank and non-bank participants.005.04D10 DESCRIPTION OF COLLATERAL005.04D11 VALUE OF COLLATERAL005.04D12 DATE OF LAST VALUATION45 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 3, § 005
Adopted effective 11/25/2023