25 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 7, § 003

Current through September 17, 2024
Section 25-7-003 - Label Requirements

All required labels shall be so attached to be clearly discernable, and securely fastened to the container or printed directly thereon, provided however, labels may be used for labeling if they are securely attached to the bag, box or container and when in place, are visible.

003.01 Label forms for agricultural, vegetable, and flower seed.
003.01A The form of label for agricultural seeds, including lawn and turf seeds, shall show the necessary information as stated in the Nebraska Seed Law, such as:

Name of labeler


Lot No.

Variety (or variety not stated) or hybrid


Pure Seed %

Crop Seed %

Inert Matter %

Coating material % (for seeds that are coated)

Weed Seed %

Germination %

Hard Seed % (for legumes and may be shown if present)

Dormant Seed % (may be shown if present)

Total Germ & Dormant Seed % (may be shown if present)

Total Germ & Hard Seed % (for legumes and may be shown if present)

Name and rate of occurrence of restricted noxious weed seed per pound

TZ Viability % (used only for grasses listed in section 81-2,147.02(2)(i))

Date tested or date of expiration (for lawn and turf seed)

Date inoculant expires (use only on pre-inoculated legumes)

Origin Pure Live Seed (PLS) %

003.01B The form of label for vegetable seeds shall show the necessary information as stated in the Nebraska Seed Law, such as:

Name of labeler


Lot number



Packed for (year)

Germination % (for seeds that germinate less than the standard and for those seeds packaged in containers other than prepared for home use)

Hard Seed % (if present for seeds that germinate less than the standard and for those seeds packaged in containers other than prepared for home use)

Date tested (for seeds that germinate less than the standard and for those seeds packaged in containers other than prepared for home use)

The words "Below Standard" (for seeds that germinate less than the standard)

Minimum number of seeds (for seeds placed in a medium, mat, tape, or other device)

Name and rate of occurrence of restricted noxious weed seed

003.01C The form of label for flower seeds and wildflower seeds shall show the necessary information as stated in the Nebraska Seed Law, such as:
003.01C(1) Label information for all flower seeds and wildflower seeds.

Name of labeler



Variety or statement of type and performance characteristics

Packed for (year)

Germination % (for seeds that germinate less than the standard)

The words "Below Standard" (for seeds that germinate less than the standard)

Minimum number of seeds (for seeds placed in a medium, mat, tape, or other device)

003.01C(2) Additional label information required for seeds in containers other than packets for home use:

Pure seed %

Lot number Weed seed %

Name and rate of occurrence of restricted noxious weed seed

Test date

Germination %

Hard seed % (if present)

003.02 All agricultural, vegetable, or flower seed which has been treated with any substance which is harmful in the quantity remaining in the seed after treatment, to humans or to vertebrate animals, shall be labeled or tagged with a caution statement in eight point type or larger in the following manner:



003.03 All agricultural and vegetable seed treated with mercurial or similarly toxic substance, shall include in red letters on a background of distinctly contrasting color a statement, such as "This seed has been treated with POISON," "Treated with POISON," "POISON treated," or "POISON." The word "POISON," shall appear in type no smaller than eight-point type, and shall bear a skull and crossbones. Substances considered similar in toxicity to mercurials shall be those with an oral LD50 up to and including 50 mg/kg, an inhalation LD50 up to and including .2 mg/liter, or a dermal LD50 up to and including 200 mg/kg.
003.04 The caution and process statements may be placed upon the kind, variety and germination tag or upon the manufacturer's tag if adequate space permits. All labeling and tags required to contain the caution and process information of this paragraph shall be approved as to form and content by the Department and copies of the Department approval shall be available at all times to inspectors upon request.
003.05 Disclaimers, nonwarranties or limited warranties may be printed or stenciled to all tags, labels, invoices or other required labeling provided they do not represent direct or indirect modifications or denials of caution and process statements and provided further that they do not render the required information thereon difficult to read by overprint, crowding or print style which distracts from the required labeling information.
003.06 The requirements of section 81-2,147.02(7)(a)(i) and (8)(a) of the Nebraska Seed Law which specify that flower seeds shall be labeled with the name of the kind and variety or a statement of type and performance characteristics as prescribed in these regulations shall be met as follows:
003.06A Seeds of plants grown primarily for their blooms shall be labeled as follows:
003.06A(1) Seeds of a single named variety shall be labeled by the kind and variety, for example "Marigold, Butterball."
003.06A(2) Seeds of a single type and color for which there is no specific variety name shall be labeled by the type of plant and, if significant, the type and color of bloom, for example "Scabiosa, Tall, Large Flowered, Double, Pink."
003.06A(3) Seeds of an assortment or mixture of colors or varieties of a single kind shall be labeled by the kind name and the type of plant and, if significant, by the type or types of bloom. In addition, it shall be clearly labeled as either mixed or assorted, for example "Marigold, Dwarf Double French, Mixed Colors."
003.06B Seeds consisting of an assortment or mixture of kinds or kinds and varieties shall be clearly labeled that the seed is assorted or mixed and the specific use of the assortment or mixture shall be indicated, for example "Cut Flower Mixture," or "Rock Garden Mixture." Such statements as "General Purpose Mixture" or "Wonder Mixture" or any other statement which fails to indicate the specific use of the seed shall not be considered as meeting the requirements of this provision.
003.06C Containers that have more than 3 grams of seed shall list the kind or kind and variety of each component that is more than 5.0% of the total content by weight in the order of its predominance and shall list the percentage by weight of each component. Components of 5.0% or less shall be listed, but need not be in order of predominance. A single percentage, by weight, shall be given for these components. If no component of a mixture is more than 5% of the total content, the statement "No component in excess of 5%" may be used. Containers that have 3 grams of seed or less shall list the components without giving the percentage by weight. Such listing need not be in order of predominance.
003.07 The kinds of flower seeds listed in 004.02 are those for which standard testing procedures have been prescribed and which are required to be labeled in accordance with the germination labeling provisions of section 81-2,147.02(7)(b) and (8)(h) of the Nebraska Seed Law and these regulations.

25 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 7, § 003