ACCOUNT OF SALE shall mean a receipt given to the consignor or seller of livestock.
VS FORM 1-27 is a permit authorizing the movement of diseased or exposed animals, which form shall be issued only by an approved veterinarian or authorized regulatory personnel.
ANIMAL shall mean any animal, including poultry, other than man but shall exclude fish and reptiles.
APPROVED EARTAG shall mean a metal identification tag approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the State of Nebraska which shall be placed in the ear to identify officially tested animals.
APPROVED VETERINARIAN shall mean any accredited veterinarian approved, designated, or certified by the State Veterinarian or Director of Agriculture to perform all required inspections and duties under the disease control laws and regulations.
BUREAU shall mean the Bureau of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture.
BRUCELLOSIS EXPOSED ANIMALS shall mean animals that are part of a known infected herd or have been in contact with a brucellosis reactor in marketing channels for periods of not less than twenty-four (24) hours, or periods of less than twenty-four (24) hours if the reactor has recently aborted, calved, or had a vaginal or uterine discharge.
QUALIFIED PSEUDORABIES NEGATIVE HERD shall mean a herd meeting the following criteria:
Qualified pseudorabies negative herd status is attained by subjecting all swine over 6 months of age to an official pseudorabies test and finding all swine so tested negative. If any of the swine so tested are positive, qualified pseudorabies negative herd status is attained by:
PSEUDORABIES CONTROLLED VACCINATED HERD shall mean a herd meeting the following criteria:
A herd of swine in which all of the swine over 6 months of age are negative to an official pseudorabies test and are vaccinated for pseudorabies within 15 days after such test. The status of the herd is maintained by an official pseudorabies test of 25 percent of the offspring between 16 and 20 weeks of age and finding all swine so tested negative. All additions to the herd must test negative to an official pseudorabies test, be vaccinated for pseudorabies within 15 days after such test, and be added to the herd not more than 30 days after such test.
Pseudorabies controlled vaccinated herds that become positive can be reclassified as a pseudorabies controlled vaccinated herd by (1) testing of all swine over 6 months of age; (2) removal of all swine which are positive to an official pseudorabies test; (3) cleaning and disinfecting the herd premises; (4) retesting all swine over 6 months of age 30 days after removal of the swine which are positive to an official pseudorabies test and finding all swine so tested negative; (5) retesting all swine over 6 months of age 60 days after removal of the swine which are positive to an official pseudorabies test and finding all swine so tested negative; and (6) vaccinating all swine over 6 months of age for pseudorabies within 15 days of the second negative test.
CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP TEST shall mean an official brucellosis test performed on all market test cattle.
HERD TEST for cattle shall mean an official brucellosis test of all eligible cattle in the herd. Eligible cattle shall include those over six (6) months of age except steers, spayed heifers, official vaccinates under eighteen (18) months of age.
EXPOSED ANIMALS shall mean those that have been in contact with any diseased animals. Such term shall also mean those animals that have been in contact with other exposed animals as defined in this subdivision. Brucellosis exposed animals are as defined in 23 NAC 11-002.07, above.
FORM A-237 is a health certificate or examination form of the Bureau, which form shall be issued only by an approved veterinarian, after establishing the health status and performing the required tests on the involved animals.
FORM NBAI-16 is a health certificate or examination form of the Bureau, which form shall be issued only by an approved veterinarian, after establishing the health status and performing the required tests on the involved animals.
FORM A-276A is the "Quarantine of Animals" form which prohibits or restricts the movement of animals.
FORM A-276B is a "Brucellosis Quarantine of Cattle" form which prohibits or restricts the movement of cattle affected with, exposed to, or suspected of having, brucellosis.
FORM A-277 is a "Quarantine of Premises, Vehicles, and Equipment" form which shall be issued to prohibit the use or occupation of such premises, vehicles, and equipment when provided by the animal disease control laws and the regulations thereunder.
FORM NB-52 is a form for reporting backtags applied.
FORM NSD-l2 is a Shipper's Declaration form furnished by the Bureau which authorizes the release of livestock of unknown brucellosis status to immediate slaughter or to a licensed market for resale to immediate slaughter. The form shall be issued by market personnel and signed by the buyer or his agent. One copy of the form shall accompany the animals to slaughter or to the market.
FORM B-4 is a form for recording official brucellosis testing.
HERD shall mean a group of animals of like species maintained on common ground for any purpose, or two or more groups of animals under common ownership or supervision on separate premises which have an interchange of animals.
IMMEDIATE SLAUGHTER shall mean delivered to an officially inspected slaughter establishment or to a licensed market within seven (7) days of removal from farm of origin or following the date of sale through any market.
QUARANTINE FACILITY shall mean any enclosure sufficient to prevent animals so enclosed from coming into physical contact with any other animals.
MCI TAG shall mean an official backtag prescribed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for identifying livestock moving in commerce. After an animal has been tested for brucellosis, the MCI tag shall be painted yellow with spray paint or a paint stick in such a manner that the tag number is still readable.
MARKET shall include both Livestock Auction Market as defined in the Nebraska Auction Market Development Act and Livestock Market as defined in the Nebraska Livestock Market Act.
MARKET CATTLE TEST shall mean an official brucellosis test of market test cattle moving in trade through markets, through livestock dealer concentration points, at slaughtering establishments, or on the farm of origin within 30 days prior to sale or movement.
OFFICIAL VACCINATE shall mean an animal conforming to the following provisions:
vaccine as recommended by manufacturer.
Standard | Diluted | |||
Diluted | ||||
Vaccine | Diluent | Vaccine | ||
Doses | ||||
1.25 cc + | 23.75 cc = | 25 cc | or | 12.5 |
2.50 cc + | 47.50 cc = | 50 cc | or | 25 |
5.00 cc + | 95.00 cc = | 100 cc | or | 50 |
Class Free State shall mean a state so classified by the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, based upon the incidence of brucellosis infection existing in said state. A state classified partially as one class and partially as a lower class shall, for the purposes of this rule, be deemed to be of the lower of the two classes.
Class A State shall mean a state so classified by the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, based upon the incidence of brucellosis infection existing in said state. A state classified partially as one class and partially as a lower class shall, for the purposes of this rule, be deemed to be of the lower of the two classes.
Class B State shall mean a state so classified by the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, based upon the incidence of brucellosis infection existing in said state. A state classified partially as one class and partially as a lower class shall, for the purposes of this rule, be deemed to be of the lower of the two classes.
Class C State shall mean a state so classified by the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, based upon the incidence of brucellosis infection existing in said state. A state classified partially as one class and partially as a lower class shall, for the purposes of this rule, be deemed to be of the lower of the two classes.
Test-eligible cattle shall mean all cattle over 18 months of age (as evidenced by the loss of the middle pair of temporary incisor teeth) except steers, spayed heifers, official vaccinates of the dairy breeds under 20 months of age, and official vaccinates of the beef breeds under 24 months of age (as evidenced by the presence of the middle pair of permanent incisor teeth) which are not parturient (springers) or postparturient.
23 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 11, § 002