Mont. Admin. r. 44.11.602

Current through Register Vol. 1, January 10, 2025
Rule 44.11.602 - COORDINATION
(1) A "coordinated expenditure" means any election communication, electioneering communication, or reportable election activity that is made by a person in cooperation with, in consultation with, under the control of, or at the direction of, in concert with, at the request or suggestion of, or with the express prior consent of a candidate or an agent of the candidate .

The coordination of an expenditure need not require agreement, cooperation, consultation, request, or consent on every term necessary for the particular coordinated expenditure, but only requires proof of one element, such as content, price, or timing, to be met as a fact of a coordinated expenditure.

(2) When determining whether a communication or reportable election activity is coordinated the following may be considered, whether:
(a) it is based on information that is provided by the candidate or agent of the candidate directly or indirectly to the person funding or facilitating the communication or activity, or any person involved in creating, producing, or disseminating it.
(b) it was made by or through any candidate's agent in the course of the agent's involvement in the current campaign.
(c) the person funding or facilitating the communication or reportable election activity retains the paid services of a person or individual who:
(i) currently, or during the six months immediately preceding the election in which the candidate's name will appear on the ballot, received compensation from the candidate or the candidate's agent; and
(ii) the person or individual is involved in creating, producing, or disseminating the communication or reportable election activity.
(d) the communication or reportable election activity replicates, reproduces, republishes or disseminates, in whole or in substantial part, any material designed, produced and paid for, or distributed by the candidate, except as set forth in (3)(e).
(e) the candidate or the candidate's agent has made or participated in any discussion or in making any decision regarding the content, timing, location, media, intended audience, volume of distribution, or frequency of placement of the communication or activity.
(f) the person funding or facilitating the communication or reportable election activity has:
(i) established a written firewall policy designed to prevent the flow of information about the candidate's campaign plans, projects, activities, or needs from the persons providing services to the candidate to persons involved in the creation, production, or dissemination of the communication or reportable election activity; and
(ii) prior to the preparation or distribution of any communication or reportable election activity has distributed the firewall policy to all relevant employees, consultants, and clients affected by the policy; and
(iii) filed the firewall policy with the COPP.
(3) A "coordinated expenditure" does not mean any election communication, electioneering communication, or reportable election activity consisting of:
(a) an uncoordinated expenditure or an independent reportable election activity funded or facilitated by a person;
(b) services, food, or lodging provided in a manner that they are not contributions by a person within the meaning of contribution as defined by 13-1-101, MCA, or these rules;
(c) the cost funded or facilitated by a person for any bona fide news story, commentary, blog, or editorial distributed through the facilities of any broadcasting station, newspaper, magazine, or other periodical of general circulation;
(d) activity by an individual acting solely on his or her own behalf independently of any candidate or the candidate's agent ; or
(e) the independent use of statements, images, or other information that is appropriated from a public source.
(4) A "coordinated expenditure" does not exist solely because:
(a) of personal or professional relationships between a candidate and other persons;
(b) the person funding or facilitating the communication or reportable election activity has previously made a contribution to the candidate;
(c) after publication or distribution, the person funding or facilitating the communication or reportable election activity informs the candidate or an agent of the candidate that the person has made an expenditure or funded the activity, provided that there is no other exchange of information, not otherwise available to the public, relating to details of the expenditure or funding the activity; or
(d) the funding or facilitating of the communication or reportable election activity is made at the request or suggestion of a candidate or an agent of a candidate for the benefit of another candidate or political committee where the other potentially benefitted candidate or political committee has no involvement.
(5) A "coordinated expenditure" shall be treated and reported as an in-kind contribution from and expenditure by the person funding, facilitating, or engaging in the election communication, electioneering communication, or reportable election activity. Both the candidate and the committee shall report the coordinated expenditure and/or in-kind contribution as the case may be.

Mont. Admin. r. 44.11.602

NEW, 2016 MAR p. 28, Eff. 1/9/2016.

AUTH: 15-1-201, 15-30-2104, MCA; IMP: 15-30-2151, 15-30-2152, 15-30-2153, 15-31-101, 15-31-102 MCA