Rule 37.97.190 - YOUTH CARE FACILITY (YCF): FINANCES(1) Each YCF shall: (a) provide a sound financial plan to carry out its defined purposes and provide proper care for children;(b) provide documentation of sufficient funds or resources for its first year of operation and be able to furnish evidence to that effect;(c) maintain financial records of all receipts, disbursements, assets, and liabilities; and(d) upon request by the department, have all accounts audited by an independent auditor who is not regularly employed by the YCF or a member of the YCF's board of directors.(2) Financial responsibility for medical and dental treatment must be established prior to placement and must usually lie with the parent, guardian, custodian, and/or referring party of the child.(3) The YCF must show proof that professional or general liability insurance is in effect for the protection of the YCF, staff, and youth.